
Expand source code
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Awaitable, Callable, Type, TypeVar

import rich.repr
from import Style

from ._types import MessageTarget
from .geometry import Offset, Size
from .keys import _get_key_aliases
from .message import Message

MouseEventT = TypeVar("MouseEventT", bound="MouseEvent")

    from .timer import Timer as TimerClass
    from .timer import TimerCallback
    from .widget import Widget
class Event(Message):
    """The base class for all events."""

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
class Callback(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    def __init__(
        self, sender: MessageTarget, callback: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]
    ) -> None:
        self.callback = callback

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "callback", self.callback

class InvokeCallbacks(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent after the Screen is updated"""

class ShutdownRequest(Event):

class Shutdown(Event):

class Load(Event, bubble=False):
    Sent when the App is running but *before* the terminal is in application mode.

    Use this event to run any set up that doesn't require any visuals such as loading
    configuration and binding keys.


class Idle(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when there are no more items in the message queue.

    This is a pseudo-event in that it is created by the Textual system and doesn't go
    through the usual message queue.


class Action(Event):
    __slots__ = ["action"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, action: str) -> None:
        self.action = action

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "action", self.action

class Resize(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when the app or widget has been resized.
        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event (the Screen).
        size (Size): The new size of the Widget.
        virtual_size (Size): The virtual size (scrollable size) of the Widget.
        container_size (Size | None, optional): The size of the Widget's container widget. Defaults to None.


    __slots__ = ["size", "virtual_size", "container_size"]

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        size: Size,
        virtual_size: Size,
        container_size: Size | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.size = size
        self.virtual_size = virtual_size
        self.container_size = size if container_size is None else container_size

    def can_replace(self, message: "Message") -> bool:
        return isinstance(message, Resize)

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "size", self.size
        yield "virtual_size", self.virtual_size
        yield "container_size", self.container_size, self.size

class Compose(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent to a widget to request it to compose and mount children."""

class Mount(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent when a widget is *mounted* and may receive messages."""

class Remove(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent to a widget to ask it to remove itself from the DOM."""

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, widget: Widget) -> None:
        self.widget = widget

class Show(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when a widget has become visible."""

class Hide(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when a widget has been hidden.

    A widget may be hidden by setting its `visible` flag to `False`, if it is no longer in a layout,
    or if it has been offset beyond the edges of the terminal.

class MouseCapture(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when the mouse has been captured.

    When a mouse has been captured, all further mouse events will be sent to the capturing widget.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
        mouse_position (Point): The position of the mouse when captured.


    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, mouse_position: Offset) -> None:
        self.mouse_position = mouse_position

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield None, self.mouse_position
class MouseRelease(Event, bubble=False):
    """Mouse has been released.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
        mouse_position (Point): The position of the mouse when released.

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, mouse_position: Offset) -> None:
        self.mouse_position = mouse_position

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield None, self.mouse_position

class InputEvent(Event):
class Key(InputEvent):
    """Sent when the user hits a key on the keyboard.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event (the App).
        key (str): A key name (textual.keys.Keys).
        char (str | None, optional): A printable character or None if it is not printable.

        key_aliases (list[str]): The aliases for the key, including the key itself

    __slots__ = ["key", "char"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, key: str, char: str | None) -> None:
        self.key = key
        self.char = (key if len(key) == 1 else None) if char is None else char
        self.key_aliases = [_normalize_key(alias) for alias in _get_key_aliases(key)]

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "key", self.key
        yield "char", self.char, None

    def key_name(self) -> str | None:
        """Name of a key suitable for use as a Python identifier."""
        return _normalize_key(self.key)

    def is_printable(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the key is printable. Currently, we assume any key event that
        isn't defined in key bindings is printable.

            bool: True if the key is printable.
        return False if self.char is None else self.char.isprintable()

def _normalize_key(key: str) -> str:
    """Convert the key string to a name suitable for use as a Python identifier."""
    return key.replace("+", "_")
class MouseEvent(InputEvent, bubble=True):
    """Sent in response to a mouse event.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event.
        x (int): The relative x coordinate.
        y (int): The relative y coordinate.
        delta_x (int): Change in x since the last message.
        delta_y (int): Change in y since the last message.
        button (int): Indexed of the pressed button.
        shift (bool): True if the shift key is pressed.
        meta (bool): True if the meta key is pressed.
        ctrl (bool): True if the ctrl key is pressed.
        screen_x (int, optional): The absolute x coordinate.
        screen_y (int, optional): The absolute y coordinate.
        style (Style, optional): The Rich Style under the mouse cursor.


    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        x: int,
        y: int,
        delta_x: int,
        delta_y: int,
        button: int,
        shift: bool,
        meta: bool,
        ctrl: bool,
        screen_x: int | None = None,
        screen_y: int | None = None,
        style: Style | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.delta_x = delta_x
        self.delta_y = delta_y
        self.button = button
        self.shift = shift
        self.meta = meta
        self.ctrl = ctrl
        self.screen_x = x if screen_x is None else screen_x
        self.screen_y = y if screen_y is None else screen_y
        self._style = style or Style()

    def from_event(cls: Type[MouseEventT], event: MouseEvent) -> MouseEventT:
        new_event = cls(
        return new_event

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "x", self.x
        yield "y", self.y
        yield "delta_x", self.delta_x, 0
        yield "delta_y", self.delta_y, 0
        if self.screen_x != self.x:
            yield "screen_x", self.screen_x
        if self.screen_y != self.y:
            yield "screen_y", self.screen_y
        yield "button", self.button, 0
        yield "shift", self.shift, False
        yield "meta", self.meta, False
        yield "ctrl", self.ctrl, False

    def offset(self) -> Offset:
        """The mouse coordinate as an offset.

            Offset: Mouse coordinate.

        return Offset(self.x, self.y)

    def screen_offset(self) -> Offset:
        """Mouse coordinate relative to the screen.

            Offset: Mouse coordinate.
        return Offset(self.screen_x, self.screen_y)

    def delta(self) -> Offset:
        """Mouse coordinate delta (change since last event).

            Offset: Mouse coordinate.

        return Offset(self.delta_x, self.delta_y)

    def style(self) -> Style:
        """The (Rich) Style under the cursor."""
        return self._style or Style()

    def style(self, style: Style) -> None:
        self._style = style

    def get_content_offset(self, widget: Widget) -> Offset | None:
        """Get offset within a widget's content area, or None if offset is not in content (i.e. padding or border).

            widget (Widget): Widget receiving the event.

            Offset | None: An offset where the origin is at the top left of the content area.
        if self.screen_offset not in widget.content_region:
            return None
        return self.offset - widget.gutter.top_left

    def _apply_offset(self, x: int, y: int) -> MouseEvent:
        return self.__class__(
            x=self.x + x,
            y=self.y + y,
class MouseMove(MouseEvent, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent when the mouse cursor moves."""
class MouseDown(MouseEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):
class MouseUp(MouseEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):

class MouseScrollDown(InputEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):
    __slots__ = ["x", "y"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class MouseScrollUp(InputEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):
    __slots__ = ["x", "y"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Click(MouseEvent, bubble=True):
class Timer(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    __slots__ = ["time", "count", "callback"]

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        timer: "TimerClass",
        time: float,
        count: int = 0,
        callback: TimerCallback | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.timer = timer
        self.time = time
        self.count = count
        self.callback = callback

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "count", self.count

class Enter(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):

class Leave(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):

class Focus(Event, bubble=False):

class Blur(Event, bubble=False):

class DescendantFocus(Event, bubble=True, verbose=True):

class DescendantBlur(Event, bubble=True, verbose=True):
class Paste(Event, bubble=False):
    """Event containing text that was pasted into the Textual application.
    This event will only appear when running in a terminal emulator that supports
    bracketed paste mode. Textual will enable bracketed pastes when an app starts,
    and disable it when the app shuts down.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
        text: The text that has been pasted.

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, text: str) -> None:
        self.text = text

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "text", self.text

class ScreenResume(Event, bubble=False):

class ScreenSuspend(Event, bubble=False):


class Action (sender: MessageTarget, action: str)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Action(Event):
    __slots__ = ["action"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, action: str) -> None:
        self.action = action

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "action", self.action


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Instance variables

var action

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

Inherited members

class Blur (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

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class Blur(Event, bubble=False):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Callback (sender: MessageTarget, callback: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]])

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Callback(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    def __init__(
        self, sender: MessageTarget, callback: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]
    ) -> None:
        self.callback = callback

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "callback", self.callback


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Click (sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int, delta_x: int, delta_y: int, button: int, shift: bool, meta: bool, ctrl: bool, screen_x: int | None = None, screen_y: int | None = None, style: Style | None = None)

Sent in response to a mouse event.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event.
x : int
The relative x coordinate.
y : int
The relative y coordinate.
delta_x : int
Change in x since the last message.
delta_y : int
Change in y since the last message.
button : int
Indexed of the pressed button.
shift : bool
True if the shift key is pressed.
meta : bool
True if the meta key is pressed.
ctrl : bool
True if the ctrl key is pressed.
screen_x : int, optional
The absolute x coordinate.
screen_y : int, optional
The absolute y coordinate.
style : Style, optional
The Rich Style under the mouse cursor.
Expand source code
class Click(MouseEvent, bubble=True):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Compose (sender: MessageTarget)

Sent to a widget to request it to compose and mount children.

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class Compose(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent to a widget to request it to compose and mount children."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class DescendantBlur (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class DescendantBlur(Event, bubble=True, verbose=True):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class DescendantFocus (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class DescendantFocus(Event, bubble=True, verbose=True):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Enter (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Enter(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Event (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Event(Message):
    """The base class for all events."""

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:



Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Focus (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Focus(Event, bubble=False):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Hide (sender: MessageTarget)

Sent when a widget has been hidden.

A widget may be hidden by setting its visible flag to False, if it is no longer in a layout, or if it has been offset beyond the edges of the terminal.

Expand source code
class Hide(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when a widget has been hidden.

    A widget may be hidden by setting its `visible` flag to `False`, if it is no longer in a layout,
    or if it has been offset beyond the edges of the terminal.



Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Idle (sender: MessageTarget)

Sent when there are no more items in the message queue.

This is a pseudo-event in that it is created by the Textual system and doesn't go through the usual message queue.

Expand source code
class Idle(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when there are no more items in the message queue.

    This is a pseudo-event in that it is created by the Textual system and doesn't go
    through the usual message queue.



Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class InputEvent (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class InputEvent(Event):



Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class InvokeCallbacks (sender: MessageTarget)

Sent after the Screen is updated

Expand source code
class InvokeCallbacks(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent after the Screen is updated"""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Key (sender: MessageTarget, key: str, char: str | None)

Sent when the user hits a key on the keyboard.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event (the App).
key : str
A key name (textual.keys.Keys).

char (str | None, optional): A printable character or None if it is not printable.


key_aliases : list[str]
The aliases for the key, including the key itself
Expand source code
class Key(InputEvent):
    """Sent when the user hits a key on the keyboard.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event (the App).
        key (str): A key name (textual.keys.Keys).
        char (str | None, optional): A printable character or None if it is not printable.

        key_aliases (list[str]): The aliases for the key, including the key itself

    __slots__ = ["key", "char"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, key: str, char: str | None) -> None:
        self.key = key
        self.char = (key if len(key) == 1 else None) if char is None else char
        self.key_aliases = [_normalize_key(alias) for alias in _get_key_aliases(key)]

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "key", self.key
        yield "char", self.char, None

    def key_name(self) -> str | None:
        """Name of a key suitable for use as a Python identifier."""
        return _normalize_key(self.key)

    def is_printable(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the key is printable. Currently, we assume any key event that
        isn't defined in key bindings is printable.

            bool: True if the key is printable.
        return False if self.char is None else self.char.isprintable()


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Instance variables

var char

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var is_printable : bool

Return True if the key is printable. Currently, we assume any key event that isn't defined in key bindings is printable.


True if the key is printable.
Expand source code
def is_printable(self) -> bool:
    """Return True if the key is printable. Currently, we assume any key event that
    isn't defined in key bindings is printable.

        bool: True if the key is printable.
    return False if self.char is None else self.char.isprintable()
var key

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var key_name : str | None

Name of a key suitable for use as a Python identifier.

Expand source code
def key_name(self) -> str | None:
    """Name of a key suitable for use as a Python identifier."""
    return _normalize_key(self.key)

Inherited members

class Leave (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Leave(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Load (sender: MessageTarget)

Sent when the App is running but before the terminal is in application mode.

Use this event to run any set up that doesn't require any visuals such as loading configuration and binding keys.

Expand source code
class Load(Event, bubble=False):
    Sent when the App is running but *before* the terminal is in application mode.

    Use this event to run any set up that doesn't require any visuals such as loading
    configuration and binding keys.



Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Mount (sender: MessageTarget)

Sent when a widget is mounted and may receive messages.

Expand source code
class Mount(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent when a widget is *mounted* and may receive messages."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class MouseCapture (sender: MessageTarget, mouse_position: Offset)

Sent when the mouse has been captured.

When a mouse has been captured, all further mouse events will be sent to the capturing widget.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
mouse_position : Point
The position of the mouse when captured.
Expand source code
class MouseCapture(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when the mouse has been captured.

    When a mouse has been captured, all further mouse events will be sent to the capturing widget.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
        mouse_position (Point): The position of the mouse when captured.


    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, mouse_position: Offset) -> None:
        self.mouse_position = mouse_position

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield None, self.mouse_position


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class MouseDown (sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int, delta_x: int, delta_y: int, button: int, shift: bool, meta: bool, ctrl: bool, screen_x: int | None = None, screen_y: int | None = None, style: Style | None = None)

Sent in response to a mouse event.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event.
x : int
The relative x coordinate.
y : int
The relative y coordinate.
delta_x : int
Change in x since the last message.
delta_y : int
Change in y since the last message.
button : int
Indexed of the pressed button.
shift : bool
True if the shift key is pressed.
meta : bool
True if the meta key is pressed.
ctrl : bool
True if the ctrl key is pressed.
screen_x : int, optional
The absolute x coordinate.
screen_y : int, optional
The absolute y coordinate.
style : Style, optional
The Rich Style under the mouse cursor.
Expand source code
class MouseDown(MouseEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class MouseEvent (sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int, delta_x: int, delta_y: int, button: int, shift: bool, meta: bool, ctrl: bool, screen_x: int | None = None, screen_y: int | None = None, style: Style | None = None)

Sent in response to a mouse event.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event.
x : int
The relative x coordinate.
y : int
The relative y coordinate.
delta_x : int
Change in x since the last message.
delta_y : int
Change in y since the last message.
button : int
Indexed of the pressed button.
shift : bool
True if the shift key is pressed.
meta : bool
True if the meta key is pressed.
ctrl : bool
True if the ctrl key is pressed.
screen_x : int, optional
The absolute x coordinate.
screen_y : int, optional
The absolute y coordinate.
style : Style, optional
The Rich Style under the mouse cursor.
Expand source code
class MouseEvent(InputEvent, bubble=True):
    """Sent in response to a mouse event.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event.
        x (int): The relative x coordinate.
        y (int): The relative y coordinate.
        delta_x (int): Change in x since the last message.
        delta_y (int): Change in y since the last message.
        button (int): Indexed of the pressed button.
        shift (bool): True if the shift key is pressed.
        meta (bool): True if the meta key is pressed.
        ctrl (bool): True if the ctrl key is pressed.
        screen_x (int, optional): The absolute x coordinate.
        screen_y (int, optional): The absolute y coordinate.
        style (Style, optional): The Rich Style under the mouse cursor.


    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        x: int,
        y: int,
        delta_x: int,
        delta_y: int,
        button: int,
        shift: bool,
        meta: bool,
        ctrl: bool,
        screen_x: int | None = None,
        screen_y: int | None = None,
        style: Style | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.delta_x = delta_x
        self.delta_y = delta_y
        self.button = button
        self.shift = shift
        self.meta = meta
        self.ctrl = ctrl
        self.screen_x = x if screen_x is None else screen_x
        self.screen_y = y if screen_y is None else screen_y
        self._style = style or Style()

    def from_event(cls: Type[MouseEventT], event: MouseEvent) -> MouseEventT:
        new_event = cls(
        return new_event

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "x", self.x
        yield "y", self.y
        yield "delta_x", self.delta_x, 0
        yield "delta_y", self.delta_y, 0
        if self.screen_x != self.x:
            yield "screen_x", self.screen_x
        if self.screen_y != self.y:
            yield "screen_y", self.screen_y
        yield "button", self.button, 0
        yield "shift", self.shift, False
        yield "meta", self.meta, False
        yield "ctrl", self.ctrl, False

    def offset(self) -> Offset:
        """The mouse coordinate as an offset.

            Offset: Mouse coordinate.

        return Offset(self.x, self.y)

    def screen_offset(self) -> Offset:
        """Mouse coordinate relative to the screen.

            Offset: Mouse coordinate.
        return Offset(self.screen_x, self.screen_y)

    def delta(self) -> Offset:
        """Mouse coordinate delta (change since last event).

            Offset: Mouse coordinate.

        return Offset(self.delta_x, self.delta_y)

    def style(self) -> Style:
        """The (Rich) Style under the cursor."""
        return self._style or Style()

    def style(self, style: Style) -> None:
        self._style = style

    def get_content_offset(self, widget: Widget) -> Offset | None:
        """Get offset within a widget's content area, or None if offset is not in content (i.e. padding or border).

            widget (Widget): Widget receiving the event.

            Offset | None: An offset where the origin is at the top left of the content area.
        if self.screen_offset not in widget.content_region:
            return None
        return self.offset - widget.gutter.top_left

    def _apply_offset(self, x: int, y: int) -> MouseEvent:
        return self.__class__(
            x=self.x + x,
            y=self.y + y,



Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Static methods

def from_event(event: MouseEvent) ‑> ~MouseEventT
Expand source code
def from_event(cls: Type[MouseEventT], event: MouseEvent) -> MouseEventT:
    new_event = cls(
    return new_event

Instance variables

var button

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var ctrl

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var deltaOffset

Mouse coordinate delta (change since last event).


Mouse coordinate.
Expand source code
def delta(self) -> Offset:
    """Mouse coordinate delta (change since last event).

        Offset: Mouse coordinate.

    return Offset(self.delta_x, self.delta_y)
var delta_x

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var delta_y

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var meta

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var offsetOffset

The mouse coordinate as an offset.


Mouse coordinate.
Expand source code
def offset(self) -> Offset:
    """The mouse coordinate as an offset.

        Offset: Mouse coordinate.

    return Offset(self.x, self.y)
var screen_offsetOffset

Mouse coordinate relative to the screen.


Mouse coordinate.
Expand source code
def screen_offset(self) -> Offset:
    """Mouse coordinate relative to the screen.

        Offset: Mouse coordinate.
    return Offset(self.screen_x, self.screen_y)
var screen_x

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var screen_y

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var shift

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var style :

The (Rich) Style under the cursor.

Expand source code
def style(self) -> Style:
    """The (Rich) Style under the cursor."""
    return self._style or Style()
var x

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var y

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


def get_content_offset(self, widget: Widget) ‑> Offset | None

Get offset within a widget's content area, or None if offset is not in content (i.e. padding or border).


widget : Widget
Widget receiving the event.


Offset | None: An offset where the origin is at the top left of the content area.

Expand source code
def get_content_offset(self, widget: Widget) -> Offset | None:
    """Get offset within a widget's content area, or None if offset is not in content (i.e. padding or border).

        widget (Widget): Widget receiving the event.

        Offset | None: An offset where the origin is at the top left of the content area.
    if self.screen_offset not in widget.content_region:
        return None
    return self.offset - widget.gutter.top_left

Inherited members

class MouseMove (sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int, delta_x: int, delta_y: int, button: int, shift: bool, meta: bool, ctrl: bool, screen_x: int | None = None, screen_y: int | None = None, style: Style | None = None)

Sent when the mouse cursor moves.

Expand source code
class MouseMove(MouseEvent, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    """Sent when the mouse cursor moves."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class MouseRelease (sender: MessageTarget, mouse_position: Offset)

Mouse has been released.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
mouse_position : Point
The position of the mouse when released.
Expand source code
class MouseRelease(Event, bubble=False):
    """Mouse has been released.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
        mouse_position (Point): The position of the mouse when released.

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, mouse_position: Offset) -> None:
        self.mouse_position = mouse_position

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield None, self.mouse_position


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class MouseScrollDown (sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class MouseScrollDown(InputEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):
    __slots__ = ["x", "y"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Instance variables

var x

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var y

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

Inherited members

class MouseScrollUp (sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class MouseScrollUp(InputEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):
    __slots__ = ["x", "y"]

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Instance variables

var x

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var y

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

Inherited members

class MouseUp (sender: MessageTarget, x: int, y: int, delta_x: int, delta_y: int, button: int, shift: bool, meta: bool, ctrl: bool, screen_x: int | None = None, screen_y: int | None = None, style: Style | None = None)

Sent in response to a mouse event.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event.
x : int
The relative x coordinate.
y : int
The relative y coordinate.
delta_x : int
Change in x since the last message.
delta_y : int
Change in y since the last message.
button : int
Indexed of the pressed button.
shift : bool
True if the shift key is pressed.
meta : bool
True if the meta key is pressed.
ctrl : bool
True if the ctrl key is pressed.
screen_x : int, optional
The absolute x coordinate.
screen_y : int, optional
The absolute y coordinate.
style : Style, optional
The Rich Style under the mouse cursor.
Expand source code
class MouseUp(MouseEvent, bubble=True, verbose=True):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Paste (sender: MessageTarget, text: str)

Event containing text that was pasted into the Textual application. This event will only appear when running in a terminal emulator that supports bracketed paste mode. Textual will enable bracketed pastes when an app starts, and disable it when the app shuts down.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
The text that has been pasted.
Expand source code
class Paste(Event, bubble=False):
    """Event containing text that was pasted into the Textual application.
    This event will only appear when running in a terminal emulator that supports
    bracketed paste mode. Textual will enable bracketed pastes when an app starts,
    and disable it when the app shuts down.

        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event, (in this case the app).
        text: The text that has been pasted.

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, text: str) -> None:
        self.text = text

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "text", self.text


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Remove (sender: MessageTarget, widget: Widget)

Sent to a widget to ask it to remove itself from the DOM.

Expand source code
class Remove(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent to a widget to ask it to remove itself from the DOM."""

    def __init__(self, sender: MessageTarget, widget: Widget) -> None:
        self.widget = widget


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Resize (sender: MessageTarget, size: Size, virtual_size: Size, container_size: Size | None = None)

Sent when the app or widget has been resized.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the event (the Screen).
size : Size
The new size of the Widget.
virtual_size : Size
The virtual size (scrollable size) of the Widget.

container_size (Size | None, optional): The size of the Widget's container widget. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class Resize(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when the app or widget has been resized.
        sender (MessageTarget): The sender of the event (the Screen).
        size (Size): The new size of the Widget.
        virtual_size (Size): The virtual size (scrollable size) of the Widget.
        container_size (Size | None, optional): The size of the Widget's container widget. Defaults to None.


    __slots__ = ["size", "virtual_size", "container_size"]

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        size: Size,
        virtual_size: Size,
        container_size: Size | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.size = size
        self.virtual_size = virtual_size
        self.container_size = size if container_size is None else container_size

    def can_replace(self, message: "Message") -> bool:
        return isinstance(message, Resize)

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "size", self.size
        yield "virtual_size", self.virtual_size
        yield "container_size", self.container_size, self.size


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Instance variables

var container_size

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var size

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var virtual_size

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

Inherited members

class ScreenResume (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class ScreenResume(Event, bubble=False):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class ScreenSuspend (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class ScreenSuspend(Event, bubble=False):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Show (sender: MessageTarget)

Sent when a widget has become visible.

Expand source code
class Show(Event, bubble=False):
    """Sent when a widget has become visible."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Shutdown (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Shutdown(Event):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class ShutdownRequest (sender: MessageTarget)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class ShutdownRequest(Event):


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class Timer (sender: MessageTarget, timer: "'TimerClass'", time: float, count: int = 0, callback: TimerCallback | None = None)

The base class for all events.

Expand source code
class Timer(Event, bubble=False, verbose=True):
    __slots__ = ["time", "count", "callback"]

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        timer: "TimerClass",
        time: float,
        count: int = 0,
        callback: TimerCallback | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.timer = timer
        self.time = time
        self.count = count
        self.callback = callback

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "count", self.count


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Instance variables

var callback

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var count

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

Inherited members