Module textual.geometry

Functions and classes to manage terminal geometry (anything involving coordinates or dimensions).

Expand source code

Functions and classes to manage terminal geometry (anything involving coordinates or dimensions).


from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
from typing import Any, Collection, NamedTuple, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import TypeAlias
else:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

SpacingDimensions: TypeAlias = Union[
    int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]

T = TypeVar("T", int, float)

def clamp(value: T, minimum: T, maximum: T) -> T:
    """Adjust a value to it is not less than a minimum and not greater
    than a maximum value.

        value (T): A value.
        minimum (T): Minimum value.
        maximum (T): maximum value.

        T: New value that is not less than the minimum or greater than the maximum.
    if minimum > maximum:
        maximum, minimum = minimum, maximum
    if value < minimum:
        return minimum
    elif value > maximum:
        return maximum
        return value

class Offset(NamedTuple):
    """A cell offset defined by x and y coordinates. Offsets are typically relative to the
    top left of the terminal or other container.

    Textual prefers the names `x` and `y`, but you could consider `x` to be the _column_ and `y` to be the _row_.


    x: int = 0
    """Offset in the x-axis (horizontal)"""
    y: int = 0
    """Offset in the y-axis (vertical)"""

    def is_origin(self) -> bool:
        """Check if the point is at the origin (0, 0).

            bool: True if the offset is the origin.

        return self == (0, 0)

    def clamped(self) -> Offset:
        """Ensure x and y are above zero.

            Offset: New offset.
        x, y = self
        return Offset(0 if x < 0 else x, 0 if y < 0 else y)

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return self != (0, 0)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Offset:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            _x, _y = self
            x, y = other
            return Offset(_x + x, _y + y)
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Offset:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            _x, _y = self
            x, y = other
            return Offset(_x - x, _y - y)
        return NotImplemented

    def __mul__(self, other: object) -> Offset:
        if isinstance(other, (float, int)):
            x, y = self
            return Offset(int(x * other), int(y * other))
        return NotImplemented

    def __neg__(self) -> Offset:
        x, y = self
        return Offset(-x, -y)

    def blend(self, destination: Offset, factor: float) -> Offset:
        """Blend (interpolate) to a new point.

            destination (Point): Point where factor would be 1.0.
            factor (float): A value between 0 and 1.0.

            Point: A new point on a line between self and destination.
        x1, y1 = self
        x2, y2 = destination
        return Offset(
            int(x1 + (x2 - x1) * factor),
            int(y1 + (y2 - y1) * factor),

    def get_distance_to(self, other: Offset) -> float:
        """Get the distance to another offset.

            other (Offset): An offset.

            float: Distance to other offset.
        x1, y1 = self
        x2, y2 = other
        distance = ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) ** 0.5
        return distance

class Size(NamedTuple):
    """The dimensions of a rectangular region."""

    width: int = 0
    """The width in cells."""

    height: int = 0
    """The height in cells."""

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        """A Size is Falsy if it has area 0."""
        return self.width * self.height != 0

    def area(self) -> int:
        """Get the area of the size.

            int: Area in cells.
        return self.width * self.height

    def region(self) -> Region:
        """Get a region of the same size.

            Region: A region with the same size at (0, 0).

        width, height = self
        return Region(0, 0, width, height)

    def line_range(self) -> range:
        """Get a range covering lines.

            range: A builtin range object.
        return range(self.height)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Size:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            width, height = self
            width2, height2 = other
            return Size(max(0, width + width2), max(0, height + height2))
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Size:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            width, height = self
            width2, height2 = other
            return Size(max(0, width - width2), max(0, height - height2))
        return NotImplemented

    def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in area defined by the size.

            x (int): X coordinate.
            y (int): Y coordinate.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        width, height = self
        return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0

    def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in the area defined by the size.

            point (tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x and y coordinates.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        x, y = point
        width, height = self
        return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0

    def __contains__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
            x, y = other
        except Exception:
            raise TypeError(
                "Dimensions.__contains__ requires an iterable of two integers"
        width, height = self
        return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0

class Region(NamedTuple):
    """Defines a rectangular region.

    A Region consists of a coordinate (x and y) and dimensions (width and height).

      (x, y)
        ┌────────────────────┐ ▲
        │                    │ │
        │                    │ │
        │                    │ height
        │                    │ │
        │                    │ │
        └────────────────────┘ ▼
        ◀─────── width ──────▶


    x: int = 0
    """Offset in the x-axis (horizontal)."""
    y: int = 0
    """Offset in the y-axis (vertical)."""
    width: int = 0
    """The width of the region."""
    height: int = 0
    """The height of the region."""

    def from_union(cls, regions: Collection[Region]) -> Region:
        """Create a Region from the union of other regions.

            regions (Collection[Region]): One or more regions.

            Region: A Region that encloses all other regions.
        if not regions:
            raise ValueError("At least one region expected")
        min_x = min(regions, key=itemgetter(0)).x
        max_x = max(regions, key=attrgetter("right")).right
        min_y = min(regions, key=itemgetter(1)).y
        max_y = max(regions, key=attrgetter("bottom")).bottom
        return cls(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)

    def from_corners(cls, x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int) -> Region:
        """Construct a Region form the top left and bottom right corners.

            x1 (int): Top left x.
            y1 (int): Top left y.
            x2 (int): Bottom right x.
            y2 (int): Bottom right y.

            Region: A new region.
        return cls(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

    def from_offset(cls, offset: tuple[int, int], size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Create a region from offset and size.

            offset (Point): Offset (top left point).
            size (tuple[int, int]): Dimensions of region.

            Region: A region instance.
        x, y = offset
        width, height = size
        return cls(x, y, width, height)

    def get_scroll_to_visible(
        cls, window_region: Region, region: Region, *, top: bool = False
    ) -> Offset:
        """Calculate the smallest offset required to translate a window so that it contains
        another region.

        This method is used to calculate the required offset to scroll something in to view.

            window_region (Region): The window region.
            region (Region): The region to move inside the window.
            top (bool, optional): Get offset to top of window. Defaults to False

            Offset: An offset required to add to region to move it inside window_region.

        if region in window_region:
            # Region is already inside the window, so no need to move it.
            return Offset(0, 0)

        window_left, window_top, window_right, window_bottom = window_region.corners
        region = region.crop_size(window_region.size)
        left, top_, right, bottom = region.corners
        delta_x = delta_y = 0

        if not (
            (window_right > left >= window_left)
            and (window_right > right >= window_left)
            # The region does not fit
            # The window needs to scroll on the X axis to bring region in to view
            delta_x = min(
                left - window_left,
                left - (window_right - region.width),

        if not (
            (window_bottom > top_ >= window_top)
            and (window_bottom > bottom >= window_top)
            # The window needs to scroll on the Y axis to bring region in to view
            if top:
                delta_y = top_ - window_top
                delta_y = min(
                    top_ - window_top,
                    top_ - (window_bottom - region.height),
        return Offset(delta_x, delta_y)

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        """A Region is considered False when it has no area."""
        _, _, width, height = self
        return width * height > 0

    def column_span(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Get the start and end columns (x coord).

        The end value is exclusive.

            tuple[int, int]: Pair of x coordinates (column numbers).

        return (self.x, self.x + self.width)

    def line_span(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Get the start and end line number (y coord).

        The end value is exclusive.

            tuple[int, int]: Pair of y coordinates (line numbers).

        return (self.y, self.y + self.height)

    def right(self) -> int:
        """Maximum X value (non inclusive).

            int: x coordinate.

        return self.x + self.width

    def bottom(self) -> int:
        """Maximum Y value (non inclusive).

            int: y coordinate.

        return self.y + self.height

    def area(self) -> int:
        """Get the area within the region.

            int: Area covered by this region.

        return self.width * self.height

    def offset(self) -> Offset:
        """Get the start point of the region.

            Offset: Top left offset.

        return Offset(self.x, self.y)

    def bottom_left(self) -> Offset:
        """Bottom left offset of the region.

            Offset: Bottom left offset.

        x, y, _width, height = self
        return Offset(x, y + height)

    def top_right(self) -> Offset:
        """Top right offset of the region.

            Offset: Top right.

        x, y, width, _height = self
        return Offset(x + width, y)

    def bottom_right(self) -> Offset:
        """Bottom right of the region.

            Offset: Bottom right.

        x, y, width, height = self
        return Offset(x + width, y + height)

    def size(self) -> Size:
        """Get the size of the region.

            Size: Size of the region.

        return Size(self.width, self.height)

    def corners(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        """Get the top left and bottom right coordinates as a tuple of integers.

            tuple[int, int, int, int]: A tuple of `(<left>, <top>, <right>, <bottom>)`.
        x, y, width, height = self
        return x, y, x + width, y + height

    def column_range(self) -> range:
        """A range object for X coordinates."""
        return range(self.x, self.x + self.width)

    def line_range(self) -> range:
        """A range object for Y coordinates."""
        return range(self.y, self.y + self.height)

    def reset_offset(self) -> Region:
        """An region of the same size at (0, 0).

            Region: reset region.

        _, _, width, height = self
        return Region(0, 0, width, height)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Region:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            ox, oy = other
            x, y, width, height = self
            return Region(x + ox, y + oy, width, height)
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Region:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            ox, oy = other
            x, y, width, height = self
            return Region(x - ox, y - oy, width, height)
        return NotImplemented

    def at_offset(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Get a new Region with the same size at a given offset.

            offset (tuple[int, int]): An offset.

            Region: New Region with adjusted offset.
        x, y = offset
        _x, _y, width, height = self
        return Region(x, y, width, height)

    def crop_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Get a region with the same offset, with a size no larger than `size`.

            size (tuple[int, int]): Maximum width and height (WIDTH, HEIGHT).

            Region: New region that could fit within `size`.
        x, y, width1, height1 = self
        width2, height2 = size
        return Region(x, y, min(width1, width2), min(height1, height2))

    def expand(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Increase the size of the region by adding a border.

            size (tuple[int, int]): Additional width and height.

            Region: A new region.
        expand_width, expand_height = size
        x, y, width, height = self
        return Region(
            x - expand_width,
            y - expand_height,
            width + expand_width * 2,
            height + expand_height * 2,

    def clip_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Clip the size to fit within minimum values.

            size (tuple[int, int]): Maximum width and height.

            Region: No region, not bigger than size.
        x, y, width, height = self
        max_width, max_height = size
        return Region(x, y, min(width, max_width), min(height, max_height))

    def overlaps(self, other: Region) -> bool:
        """Check if another region overlaps this region.

            other (Region): A Region.

            bool: True if other region shares any cells with this region.
        x, y, x2, y2 = self.corners
        ox, oy, ox2, oy2 = other.corners

        return ((x2 > ox >= x) or (x2 > ox2 > x) or (ox < x and ox2 >= x2)) and (
            (y2 > oy >= y) or (y2 > oy2 > y) or (oy < y and oy2 >= y2)

    def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in the region.

            x (int): X coordinate.
            y (int): Y coordinate.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        self_x, self_y, width, height = self
        return (self_x + width > x >= self_x) and (self_y + height > y >= self_y)

    def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in the region.

            point (tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x and y coordinates.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
            ox, oy = point
        except Exception:
            raise TypeError(f"a tuple of two integers is required, not {point!r}")
        return (x2 > ox >= x1) and (y2 > oy >= y1)

    def contains_region(self, other: Region) -> bool:
        """Check if a region is entirely contained within this region.

            other (Region): A region.

            bool: True if the other region fits perfectly within this region.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
        ox, oy, ox2, oy2 = other.corners
        return (
            (x2 >= ox >= x1)
            and (y2 >= oy >= y1)
            and (x2 >= ox2 >= x1)
            and (y2 >= oy2 >= y1)

    def translate(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Move the offset of the Region.

            offset (tuple[int, int]): Offset to add to region.

            Region: A new region shifted by (x, y)

        self_x, self_y, width, height = self
        offset_x, offset_y = offset
        return Region(self_x + offset_x, self_y + offset_y, width, height)

    def __contains__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in this region."""
        if isinstance(other, Region):
            return self.contains_region(other)
                return self.contains_point(other)
            except TypeError:
                return False

    def clip(self, width: int, height: int) -> Region:
        """Clip this region to fit within width, height.

            width (int): Width of bounds.
            height (int): Height of bounds.

            Region: Clipped region.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners

        _clamp = clamp
        new_region = Region.from_corners(
            _clamp(x1, 0, width),
            _clamp(y1, 0, height),
            _clamp(x2, 0, width),
            _clamp(y2, 0, height),
        return new_region

    def grow(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Region:
        """Grow a region by adding spacing.

            margin (tuple[int, int, in, int]): Grow space by `(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)`.

            Region: New region.

        top, right, bottom, left = margin
        x, y, width, height = self
        return Region(
            x=x - left,
            y=y - top,
            width=max(0, width + left + right),
            height=max(0, height + top + bottom),

    def shrink(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Region:
        """Shrink a region by subtracting spacing.

            margin (tuple[int, int, int, int]): Shrink space by `(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)`.

            Region: The new, smaller region.

        top, right, bottom, left = margin
        x, y, width, height = self
        return Region(
            x=x + left,
            y=y + top,
            width=max(0, width - (left + right)),
            height=max(0, height - (top + bottom)),

    def intersection(self, region: Region) -> Region:
        """Get the overlapping portion of the two regions.

            region (Region): A region that overlaps this region.

            Region: A new region that covers when the two regions overlap.
        # Unrolled because this method is used a lot
        x1, y1, w1, h1 = self
        cx1, cy1, w2, h2 = region
        x2 = x1 + w1
        y2 = y1 + h1
        cx2 = cx1 + w2
        cy2 = cy1 + h2

        rx1 = cx2 if x1 > cx2 else (cx1 if x1 < cx1 else x1)
        ry1 = cy2 if y1 > cy2 else (cy1 if y1 < cy1 else y1)
        rx2 = cx2 if x2 > cx2 else (cx1 if x2 < cx1 else x2)
        ry2 = cy2 if y2 > cy2 else (cy1 if y2 < cy1 else y2)

        return Region(rx1, ry1, rx2 - rx1, ry2 - ry1)

    def union(self, region: Region) -> Region:
        """Get the smallest region that contains both regions.

            region (Region): Another region.

            Region: An optimally sized region to cover both regions.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
        ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2 = region.corners

        union_region = self.from_corners(
            min(x1, ox1), min(y1, oy1), max(x2, ox2), max(y2, oy2)
        return union_region

    def split(self, cut_x: int, cut_y: int) -> tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]:
        """Split a region in to 4 from given x and y offsets (cuts).

                   cut_x ↓
                ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
                │        │ │   │
                │    0   │ │ 1 │
                │        │ │   │
        cut_y → └────────┘ └───┘
                ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
                │    2   │ │ 3 │
                └────────┘ └───┘

            cut_x (int): Offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
                is taken from the right edge.
            cut_y (int): Offset from self.y where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
                is taken from the lower edge.

            tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]: Four new regions which add up to the original (self).

        x, y, width, height = self
        if cut_x < 0:
            cut_x = width + cut_x
        if cut_y < 0:
            cut_y = height + cut_y

        _Region = Region
        return (
            _Region(x, y, cut_x, cut_y),
            _Region(x + cut_x, y, width - cut_x, cut_y),
            _Region(x, y + cut_y, cut_x, height - cut_y),
            _Region(x + cut_x, y + cut_y, width - cut_x, height - cut_y),

    def split_vertical(self, cut: int) -> tuple[Region, Region]:
        """Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

                 cut ↓
            │    0   ││ 1 │
            │        ││   │

            cut (int): An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If cut is negative,
                it is taken from the right edge.

            tuple[Region, Region]: Two regions, which add up to the original (self).

        x, y, width, height = self
        if cut < 0:
            cut = width + cut

        return (
            Region(x, y, cut, height),
            Region(x + cut, y, width - cut, height),

    def split_horizontal(self, cut: int) -> tuple[Region, Region]:
        """Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

                    │    0    │
                    │         │
            cut →   └─────────┘
                    │    1    │

            cut (int): An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. May be negative,
                for the offset to start from the right edge.

            tuple[Region, Region]: Two regions, which add up to the original (self).
        x, y, width, height = self
        if cut < 0:
            cut = height + cut

        return (
            Region(x, y, width, cut),
            Region(x, y + cut, width, height - cut),

class Spacing(NamedTuple):
    """The spacing around a renderable."""

    top: int = 0
    """Space from the top of a region."""
    right: int = 0
    """Space from the left of a region."""
    bottom: int = 0
    """Space from the bottom of a region."""
    left: int = 0
    """Space from the left of a region."""

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return self != (0, 0, 0, 0)

    def width(self) -> int:
        """Total space in width.

            int: Width.

        return self.left + self.right

    def height(self) -> int:
        """Total space in height.

            int: Height.

        return + self.bottom

    def top_left(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Top left space.

            tuple[int, int]: `(<left>, <top>)`

        return (self.left,

    def bottom_right(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Bottom right space.

            tuple[int, int]: `(<right>, <bottom>)`

        return (self.right, self.bottom)

    def totals(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Get total horizontal and vertical space.

            tuple[int, int]: `(<horizontal>, <vertical>)`

        top, right, bottom, left = self
        return (left + right, top + bottom)

    def css(self) -> str:
        """Gets a string containing the spacing in CSS format.

            str: Spacing in CSS format.

        top, right, bottom, left = self
        if top == right == bottom == left:
            return f"{top}"
        if (top, right) == (bottom, left):
            return f"{top} {right}"
            return f"{top} {right} {bottom} {left}"

    def unpack(cls, pad: SpacingDimensions) -> Spacing:
        """Unpack padding specified in CSS style.

            pad (SpacingDimensions): An integer, or tuple of 1, 2, or 4 integers.

            ValueError: If `pad` is an invalid value.

            Spacing: New Spacing object.
        if isinstance(pad, int):
            return cls(pad, pad, pad, pad)
        pad_len = len(pad)
        if pad_len == 1:
            _pad = pad[0]
            return cls(_pad, _pad, _pad, _pad)
        if pad_len == 2:
            pad_top, pad_right = cast(Tuple[int, int], pad)
            return cls(pad_top, pad_right, pad_top, pad_right)
        if pad_len == 4:
            top, right, bottom, left = cast(Tuple[int, int, int, int], pad)
            return cls(top, right, bottom, left)
        raise ValueError(
            f"1, 2 or 4 integers required for spacing properties; {pad_len} given"

    def vertical(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
        """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on vertical edges,
        and no horizontal spacing.

            amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to vertical edges

            Spacing: `Spacing(amount, 0, amount, 0)`
        return Spacing(amount, 0, amount, 0)

    def horizontal(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
        """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on horizontal edges,
        and no vertical spacing.

            amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to horizontal edges

            Spacing: `Spacing(0, amount, 0, amount)`
        return Spacing(0, amount, 0, amount)

    def all(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
        """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on all edges.

            amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to all edges

            Spacing: `Spacing(amount, amount, amount, amount)`
        return Spacing(amount, amount, amount, amount)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Spacing:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            top1, right1, bottom1, left1 = self
            top2, right2, bottom2, left2 = other
            return Spacing(
                top1 + top2, right1 + right2, bottom1 + bottom2, left1 + left2
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Spacing:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            top1, right1, bottom1, left1 = self
            top2, right2, bottom2, left2 = other
            return Spacing(
                top1 - top2, right1 - right2, bottom1 - bottom2, left1 - left2
        return NotImplemented

    def grow_maximum(self, other: Spacing) -> Spacing:
        """Grow spacing with a maximum.

            other (Spacing): Spacing object.

            Spacing: New spacing were the values are maximum of the two values.
        top, right, bottom, left = self
        other_top, other_right, other_bottom, other_left = other
        return Spacing(
            max(top, other_top),
            max(right, other_right),
            max(bottom, other_bottom),
            max(left, other_left),

NULL_OFFSET = Offset(0, 0)


def clamp(value: T, minimum: T, maximum: T) ‑> ~T

Adjust a value to it is not less than a minimum and not greater than a maximum value.


value : T
A value.
minimum : T
Minimum value.
maximum : T
maximum value.


New value that is not less than the minimum or greater than the maximum.
Expand source code
def clamp(value: T, minimum: T, maximum: T) -> T:
    """Adjust a value to it is not less than a minimum and not greater
    than a maximum value.

        value (T): A value.
        minimum (T): Minimum value.
        maximum (T): maximum value.

        T: New value that is not less than the minimum or greater than the maximum.
    if minimum > maximum:
        maximum, minimum = minimum, maximum
    if value < minimum:
        return minimum
    elif value > maximum:
        return maximum
        return value


class Offset (x: int = 0, y: int = 0)

A cell offset defined by x and y coordinates. Offsets are typically relative to the top left of the terminal or other container.

Textual prefers the names x and y, but you could consider x to be the column and y to be the row.

Expand source code
class Offset(NamedTuple):
    """A cell offset defined by x and y coordinates. Offsets are typically relative to the
    top left of the terminal or other container.

    Textual prefers the names `x` and `y`, but you could consider `x` to be the _column_ and `y` to be the _row_.


    x: int = 0
    """Offset in the x-axis (horizontal)"""
    y: int = 0
    """Offset in the y-axis (vertical)"""

    def is_origin(self) -> bool:
        """Check if the point is at the origin (0, 0).

            bool: True if the offset is the origin.

        return self == (0, 0)

    def clamped(self) -> Offset:
        """Ensure x and y are above zero.

            Offset: New offset.
        x, y = self
        return Offset(0 if x < 0 else x, 0 if y < 0 else y)

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return self != (0, 0)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Offset:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            _x, _y = self
            x, y = other
            return Offset(_x + x, _y + y)
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Offset:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            _x, _y = self
            x, y = other
            return Offset(_x - x, _y - y)
        return NotImplemented

    def __mul__(self, other: object) -> Offset:
        if isinstance(other, (float, int)):
            x, y = self
            return Offset(int(x * other), int(y * other))
        return NotImplemented

    def __neg__(self) -> Offset:
        x, y = self
        return Offset(-x, -y)

    def blend(self, destination: Offset, factor: float) -> Offset:
        """Blend (interpolate) to a new point.

            destination (Point): Point where factor would be 1.0.
            factor (float): A value between 0 and 1.0.

            Point: A new point on a line between self and destination.
        x1, y1 = self
        x2, y2 = destination
        return Offset(
            int(x1 + (x2 - x1) * factor),
            int(y1 + (y2 - y1) * factor),

    def get_distance_to(self, other: Offset) -> float:
        """Get the distance to another offset.

            other (Offset): An offset.

            float: Distance to other offset.
        x1, y1 = self
        x2, y2 = other
        distance = ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) ** 0.5
        return distance


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var clampedOffset

Ensure x and y are above zero.


New offset.
Expand source code
def clamped(self) -> Offset:
    """Ensure x and y are above zero.

        Offset: New offset.
    x, y = self
    return Offset(0 if x < 0 else x, 0 if y < 0 else y)
var is_origin : bool

Check if the point is at the origin (0, 0).


True if the offset is the origin.
Expand source code
def is_origin(self) -> bool:
    """Check if the point is at the origin (0, 0).

        bool: True if the offset is the origin.

    return self == (0, 0)
var x : int

Offset in the x-axis (horizontal)

var y : int

Offset in the y-axis (vertical)


def blend(self, destination: Offset, factor: float) ‑> Offset

Blend (interpolate) to a new point.


destination : Point
Point where factor would be 1.0.
factor : float
A value between 0 and 1.0.


A new point on a line between self and destination.
Expand source code
def blend(self, destination: Offset, factor: float) -> Offset:
    """Blend (interpolate) to a new point.

        destination (Point): Point where factor would be 1.0.
        factor (float): A value between 0 and 1.0.

        Point: A new point on a line between self and destination.
    x1, y1 = self
    x2, y2 = destination
    return Offset(
        int(x1 + (x2 - x1) * factor),
        int(y1 + (y2 - y1) * factor),
def get_distance_to(self, other: Offset) ‑> float

Get the distance to another offset.


other : Offset
An offset.


Distance to other offset.
Expand source code
def get_distance_to(self, other: Offset) -> float:
    """Get the distance to another offset.

        other (Offset): An offset.

        float: Distance to other offset.
    x1, y1 = self
    x2, y2 = other
    distance = ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) ** 0.5
    return distance
class Region (x: int = 0, y: int = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0)

Defines a rectangular region.

A Region consists of a coordinate (x and y) and dimensions (width and height).

  (x, y)
    ┌────────────────────┐ ▲
    │                    │ │
    │                    │ │
    │                    │ height
    │                    │ │
    │                    │ │
    └────────────────────┘ ▼
    ◀─────── width ──────▶
Expand source code
class Region(NamedTuple):
    """Defines a rectangular region.

    A Region consists of a coordinate (x and y) and dimensions (width and height).

      (x, y)
        ┌────────────────────┐ ▲
        │                    │ │
        │                    │ │
        │                    │ height
        │                    │ │
        │                    │ │
        └────────────────────┘ ▼
        ◀─────── width ──────▶


    x: int = 0
    """Offset in the x-axis (horizontal)."""
    y: int = 0
    """Offset in the y-axis (vertical)."""
    width: int = 0
    """The width of the region."""
    height: int = 0
    """The height of the region."""

    def from_union(cls, regions: Collection[Region]) -> Region:
        """Create a Region from the union of other regions.

            regions (Collection[Region]): One or more regions.

            Region: A Region that encloses all other regions.
        if not regions:
            raise ValueError("At least one region expected")
        min_x = min(regions, key=itemgetter(0)).x
        max_x = max(regions, key=attrgetter("right")).right
        min_y = min(regions, key=itemgetter(1)).y
        max_y = max(regions, key=attrgetter("bottom")).bottom
        return cls(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)

    def from_corners(cls, x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int) -> Region:
        """Construct a Region form the top left and bottom right corners.

            x1 (int): Top left x.
            y1 (int): Top left y.
            x2 (int): Bottom right x.
            y2 (int): Bottom right y.

            Region: A new region.
        return cls(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

    def from_offset(cls, offset: tuple[int, int], size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Create a region from offset and size.

            offset (Point): Offset (top left point).
            size (tuple[int, int]): Dimensions of region.

            Region: A region instance.
        x, y = offset
        width, height = size
        return cls(x, y, width, height)

    def get_scroll_to_visible(
        cls, window_region: Region, region: Region, *, top: bool = False
    ) -> Offset:
        """Calculate the smallest offset required to translate a window so that it contains
        another region.

        This method is used to calculate the required offset to scroll something in to view.

            window_region (Region): The window region.
            region (Region): The region to move inside the window.
            top (bool, optional): Get offset to top of window. Defaults to False

            Offset: An offset required to add to region to move it inside window_region.

        if region in window_region:
            # Region is already inside the window, so no need to move it.
            return Offset(0, 0)

        window_left, window_top, window_right, window_bottom = window_region.corners
        region = region.crop_size(window_region.size)
        left, top_, right, bottom = region.corners
        delta_x = delta_y = 0

        if not (
            (window_right > left >= window_left)
            and (window_right > right >= window_left)
            # The region does not fit
            # The window needs to scroll on the X axis to bring region in to view
            delta_x = min(
                left - window_left,
                left - (window_right - region.width),

        if not (
            (window_bottom > top_ >= window_top)
            and (window_bottom > bottom >= window_top)
            # The window needs to scroll on the Y axis to bring region in to view
            if top:
                delta_y = top_ - window_top
                delta_y = min(
                    top_ - window_top,
                    top_ - (window_bottom - region.height),
        return Offset(delta_x, delta_y)

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        """A Region is considered False when it has no area."""
        _, _, width, height = self
        return width * height > 0

    def column_span(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Get the start and end columns (x coord).

        The end value is exclusive.

            tuple[int, int]: Pair of x coordinates (column numbers).

        return (self.x, self.x + self.width)

    def line_span(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Get the start and end line number (y coord).

        The end value is exclusive.

            tuple[int, int]: Pair of y coordinates (line numbers).

        return (self.y, self.y + self.height)

    def right(self) -> int:
        """Maximum X value (non inclusive).

            int: x coordinate.

        return self.x + self.width

    def bottom(self) -> int:
        """Maximum Y value (non inclusive).

            int: y coordinate.

        return self.y + self.height

    def area(self) -> int:
        """Get the area within the region.

            int: Area covered by this region.

        return self.width * self.height

    def offset(self) -> Offset:
        """Get the start point of the region.

            Offset: Top left offset.

        return Offset(self.x, self.y)

    def bottom_left(self) -> Offset:
        """Bottom left offset of the region.

            Offset: Bottom left offset.

        x, y, _width, height = self
        return Offset(x, y + height)

    def top_right(self) -> Offset:
        """Top right offset of the region.

            Offset: Top right.

        x, y, width, _height = self
        return Offset(x + width, y)

    def bottom_right(self) -> Offset:
        """Bottom right of the region.

            Offset: Bottom right.

        x, y, width, height = self
        return Offset(x + width, y + height)

    def size(self) -> Size:
        """Get the size of the region.

            Size: Size of the region.

        return Size(self.width, self.height)

    def corners(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        """Get the top left and bottom right coordinates as a tuple of integers.

            tuple[int, int, int, int]: A tuple of `(<left>, <top>, <right>, <bottom>)`.
        x, y, width, height = self
        return x, y, x + width, y + height

    def column_range(self) -> range:
        """A range object for X coordinates."""
        return range(self.x, self.x + self.width)

    def line_range(self) -> range:
        """A range object for Y coordinates."""
        return range(self.y, self.y + self.height)

    def reset_offset(self) -> Region:
        """An region of the same size at (0, 0).

            Region: reset region.

        _, _, width, height = self
        return Region(0, 0, width, height)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Region:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            ox, oy = other
            x, y, width, height = self
            return Region(x + ox, y + oy, width, height)
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Region:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            ox, oy = other
            x, y, width, height = self
            return Region(x - ox, y - oy, width, height)
        return NotImplemented

    def at_offset(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Get a new Region with the same size at a given offset.

            offset (tuple[int, int]): An offset.

            Region: New Region with adjusted offset.
        x, y = offset
        _x, _y, width, height = self
        return Region(x, y, width, height)

    def crop_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Get a region with the same offset, with a size no larger than `size`.

            size (tuple[int, int]): Maximum width and height (WIDTH, HEIGHT).

            Region: New region that could fit within `size`.
        x, y, width1, height1 = self
        width2, height2 = size
        return Region(x, y, min(width1, width2), min(height1, height2))

    def expand(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Increase the size of the region by adding a border.

            size (tuple[int, int]): Additional width and height.

            Region: A new region.
        expand_width, expand_height = size
        x, y, width, height = self
        return Region(
            x - expand_width,
            y - expand_height,
            width + expand_width * 2,
            height + expand_height * 2,

    def clip_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Clip the size to fit within minimum values.

            size (tuple[int, int]): Maximum width and height.

            Region: No region, not bigger than size.
        x, y, width, height = self
        max_width, max_height = size
        return Region(x, y, min(width, max_width), min(height, max_height))

    def overlaps(self, other: Region) -> bool:
        """Check if another region overlaps this region.

            other (Region): A Region.

            bool: True if other region shares any cells with this region.
        x, y, x2, y2 = self.corners
        ox, oy, ox2, oy2 = other.corners

        return ((x2 > ox >= x) or (x2 > ox2 > x) or (ox < x and ox2 >= x2)) and (
            (y2 > oy >= y) or (y2 > oy2 > y) or (oy < y and oy2 >= y2)

    def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in the region.

            x (int): X coordinate.
            y (int): Y coordinate.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        self_x, self_y, width, height = self
        return (self_x + width > x >= self_x) and (self_y + height > y >= self_y)

    def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in the region.

            point (tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x and y coordinates.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
            ox, oy = point
        except Exception:
            raise TypeError(f"a tuple of two integers is required, not {point!r}")
        return (x2 > ox >= x1) and (y2 > oy >= y1)

    def contains_region(self, other: Region) -> bool:
        """Check if a region is entirely contained within this region.

            other (Region): A region.

            bool: True if the other region fits perfectly within this region.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
        ox, oy, ox2, oy2 = other.corners
        return (
            (x2 >= ox >= x1)
            and (y2 >= oy >= y1)
            and (x2 >= ox2 >= x1)
            and (y2 >= oy2 >= y1)

    def translate(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
        """Move the offset of the Region.

            offset (tuple[int, int]): Offset to add to region.

            Region: A new region shifted by (x, y)

        self_x, self_y, width, height = self
        offset_x, offset_y = offset
        return Region(self_x + offset_x, self_y + offset_y, width, height)

    def __contains__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in this region."""
        if isinstance(other, Region):
            return self.contains_region(other)
                return self.contains_point(other)
            except TypeError:
                return False

    def clip(self, width: int, height: int) -> Region:
        """Clip this region to fit within width, height.

            width (int): Width of bounds.
            height (int): Height of bounds.

            Region: Clipped region.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners

        _clamp = clamp
        new_region = Region.from_corners(
            _clamp(x1, 0, width),
            _clamp(y1, 0, height),
            _clamp(x2, 0, width),
            _clamp(y2, 0, height),
        return new_region

    def grow(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Region:
        """Grow a region by adding spacing.

            margin (tuple[int, int, in, int]): Grow space by `(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)`.

            Region: New region.

        top, right, bottom, left = margin
        x, y, width, height = self
        return Region(
            x=x - left,
            y=y - top,
            width=max(0, width + left + right),
            height=max(0, height + top + bottom),

    def shrink(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Region:
        """Shrink a region by subtracting spacing.

            margin (tuple[int, int, int, int]): Shrink space by `(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)`.

            Region: The new, smaller region.

        top, right, bottom, left = margin
        x, y, width, height = self
        return Region(
            x=x + left,
            y=y + top,
            width=max(0, width - (left + right)),
            height=max(0, height - (top + bottom)),

    def intersection(self, region: Region) -> Region:
        """Get the overlapping portion of the two regions.

            region (Region): A region that overlaps this region.

            Region: A new region that covers when the two regions overlap.
        # Unrolled because this method is used a lot
        x1, y1, w1, h1 = self
        cx1, cy1, w2, h2 = region
        x2 = x1 + w1
        y2 = y1 + h1
        cx2 = cx1 + w2
        cy2 = cy1 + h2

        rx1 = cx2 if x1 > cx2 else (cx1 if x1 < cx1 else x1)
        ry1 = cy2 if y1 > cy2 else (cy1 if y1 < cy1 else y1)
        rx2 = cx2 if x2 > cx2 else (cx1 if x2 < cx1 else x2)
        ry2 = cy2 if y2 > cy2 else (cy1 if y2 < cy1 else y2)

        return Region(rx1, ry1, rx2 - rx1, ry2 - ry1)

    def union(self, region: Region) -> Region:
        """Get the smallest region that contains both regions.

            region (Region): Another region.

            Region: An optimally sized region to cover both regions.
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
        ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2 = region.corners

        union_region = self.from_corners(
            min(x1, ox1), min(y1, oy1), max(x2, ox2), max(y2, oy2)
        return union_region

    def split(self, cut_x: int, cut_y: int) -> tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]:
        """Split a region in to 4 from given x and y offsets (cuts).

                   cut_x ↓
                ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
                │        │ │   │
                │    0   │ │ 1 │
                │        │ │   │
        cut_y → └────────┘ └───┘
                ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
                │    2   │ │ 3 │
                └────────┘ └───┘

            cut_x (int): Offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
                is taken from the right edge.
            cut_y (int): Offset from self.y where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
                is taken from the lower edge.

            tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]: Four new regions which add up to the original (self).

        x, y, width, height = self
        if cut_x < 0:
            cut_x = width + cut_x
        if cut_y < 0:
            cut_y = height + cut_y

        _Region = Region
        return (
            _Region(x, y, cut_x, cut_y),
            _Region(x + cut_x, y, width - cut_x, cut_y),
            _Region(x, y + cut_y, cut_x, height - cut_y),
            _Region(x + cut_x, y + cut_y, width - cut_x, height - cut_y),

    def split_vertical(self, cut: int) -> tuple[Region, Region]:
        """Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

                 cut ↓
            │    0   ││ 1 │
            │        ││   │

            cut (int): An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If cut is negative,
                it is taken from the right edge.

            tuple[Region, Region]: Two regions, which add up to the original (self).

        x, y, width, height = self
        if cut < 0:
            cut = width + cut

        return (
            Region(x, y, cut, height),
            Region(x + cut, y, width - cut, height),

    def split_horizontal(self, cut: int) -> tuple[Region, Region]:
        """Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

                    │    0    │
                    │         │
            cut →   └─────────┘
                    │    1    │

            cut (int): An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. May be negative,
                for the offset to start from the right edge.

            tuple[Region, Region]: Two regions, which add up to the original (self).
        x, y, width, height = self
        if cut < 0:
            cut = height + cut

        return (
            Region(x, y, width, cut),
            Region(x, y + cut, width, height - cut),


  • builtins.tuple

Static methods

def from_corners(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int) ‑> Region

Construct a Region form the top left and bottom right corners.


x1 : int
Top left x.
y1 : int
Top left y.
x2 : int
Bottom right x.
y2 : int
Bottom right y.


A new region.
Expand source code
def from_corners(cls, x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int) -> Region:
    """Construct a Region form the top left and bottom right corners.

        x1 (int): Top left x.
        y1 (int): Top left y.
        x2 (int): Bottom right x.
        y2 (int): Bottom right y.

        Region: A new region.
    return cls(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
def from_offset(offset: tuple[int, int], size: tuple[int, int]) ‑> Region

Create a region from offset and size.


offset : Point
Offset (top left point).
size : tuple[int, int]
Dimensions of region.


A region instance.
Expand source code
def from_offset(cls, offset: tuple[int, int], size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
    """Create a region from offset and size.

        offset (Point): Offset (top left point).
        size (tuple[int, int]): Dimensions of region.

        Region: A region instance.
    x, y = offset
    width, height = size
    return cls(x, y, width, height)
def from_union(regions: Collection[Region]) ‑> Region

Create a Region from the union of other regions.


regions : Collection[Region]
One or more regions.


A Region that encloses all other regions.
Expand source code
def from_union(cls, regions: Collection[Region]) -> Region:
    """Create a Region from the union of other regions.

        regions (Collection[Region]): One or more regions.

        Region: A Region that encloses all other regions.
    if not regions:
        raise ValueError("At least one region expected")
    min_x = min(regions, key=itemgetter(0)).x
    max_x = max(regions, key=attrgetter("right")).right
    min_y = min(regions, key=itemgetter(1)).y
    max_y = max(regions, key=attrgetter("bottom")).bottom
    return cls(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
def get_scroll_to_visible(window_region: Region, region: Region, *, top: bool = False) ‑> Offset

Calculate the smallest offset required to translate a window so that it contains another region.

This method is used to calculate the required offset to scroll something in to view.


window_region : Region
The window region.
region : Region
The region to move inside the window.
top : bool, optional
Get offset to top of window. Defaults to False


An offset required to add to region to move it inside window_region.
Expand source code
def get_scroll_to_visible(
    cls, window_region: Region, region: Region, *, top: bool = False
) -> Offset:
    """Calculate the smallest offset required to translate a window so that it contains
    another region.

    This method is used to calculate the required offset to scroll something in to view.

        window_region (Region): The window region.
        region (Region): The region to move inside the window.
        top (bool, optional): Get offset to top of window. Defaults to False

        Offset: An offset required to add to region to move it inside window_region.

    if region in window_region:
        # Region is already inside the window, so no need to move it.
        return Offset(0, 0)

    window_left, window_top, window_right, window_bottom = window_region.corners
    region = region.crop_size(window_region.size)
    left, top_, right, bottom = region.corners
    delta_x = delta_y = 0

    if not (
        (window_right > left >= window_left)
        and (window_right > right >= window_left)
        # The region does not fit
        # The window needs to scroll on the X axis to bring region in to view
        delta_x = min(
            left - window_left,
            left - (window_right - region.width),

    if not (
        (window_bottom > top_ >= window_top)
        and (window_bottom > bottom >= window_top)
        # The window needs to scroll on the Y axis to bring region in to view
        if top:
            delta_y = top_ - window_top
            delta_y = min(
                top_ - window_top,
                top_ - (window_bottom - region.height),
    return Offset(delta_x, delta_y)

Instance variables

var area : int

Get the area within the region.


Area covered by this region.
Expand source code
def area(self) -> int:
    """Get the area within the region.

        int: Area covered by this region.

    return self.width * self.height
var bottom : int

Maximum Y value (non inclusive).


y coordinate.
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def bottom(self) -> int:
    """Maximum Y value (non inclusive).

        int: y coordinate.

    return self.y + self.height
var bottom_leftOffset

Bottom left offset of the region.


Bottom left offset.
Expand source code
def bottom_left(self) -> Offset:
    """Bottom left offset of the region.

        Offset: Bottom left offset.

    x, y, _width, height = self
    return Offset(x, y + height)
var bottom_rightOffset

Bottom right of the region.


Bottom right.
Expand source code
def bottom_right(self) -> Offset:
    """Bottom right of the region.

        Offset: Bottom right.

    x, y, width, height = self
    return Offset(x + width, y + height)
var column_range : range

A range object for X coordinates.

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def column_range(self) -> range:
    """A range object for X coordinates."""
    return range(self.x, self.x + self.width)
var column_span : tuple[int, int]

Get the start and end columns (x coord).

The end value is exclusive.


tuple[int, int]
Pair of x coordinates (column numbers).
Expand source code
def column_span(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Get the start and end columns (x coord).

    The end value is exclusive.

        tuple[int, int]: Pair of x coordinates (column numbers).

    return (self.x, self.x + self.width)
var corners : tuple[int, int, int, int]

Get the top left and bottom right coordinates as a tuple of integers.


tuple[int, int, int, int]
A tuple of (<left>, <top>, <right>, <bottom>).
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def corners(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
    """Get the top left and bottom right coordinates as a tuple of integers.

        tuple[int, int, int, int]: A tuple of `(<left>, <top>, <right>, <bottom>)`.
    x, y, width, height = self
    return x, y, x + width, y + height
var height : int

The height of the region.

var line_range : range

A range object for Y coordinates.

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def line_range(self) -> range:
    """A range object for Y coordinates."""
    return range(self.y, self.y + self.height)
var line_span : tuple[int, int]

Get the start and end line number (y coord).

The end value is exclusive.


tuple[int, int]
Pair of y coordinates (line numbers).
Expand source code
def line_span(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Get the start and end line number (y coord).

    The end value is exclusive.

        tuple[int, int]: Pair of y coordinates (line numbers).

    return (self.y, self.y + self.height)
var offsetOffset

Get the start point of the region.


Top left offset.
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def offset(self) -> Offset:
    """Get the start point of the region.

        Offset: Top left offset.

    return Offset(self.x, self.y)
var reset_offsetRegion

An region of the same size at (0, 0).


reset region.
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def reset_offset(self) -> Region:
    """An region of the same size at (0, 0).

        Region: reset region.

    _, _, width, height = self
    return Region(0, 0, width, height)
var right : int

Maximum X value (non inclusive).


x coordinate.
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def right(self) -> int:
    """Maximum X value (non inclusive).

        int: x coordinate.

    return self.x + self.width
var sizeSize

Get the size of the region.


Size of the region.
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def size(self) -> Size:
    """Get the size of the region.

        Size: Size of the region.

    return Size(self.width, self.height)
var top_rightOffset

Top right offset of the region.


Top right.
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def top_right(self) -> Offset:
    """Top right offset of the region.

        Offset: Top right.

    x, y, width, _height = self
    return Offset(x + width, y)
var width : int

The width of the region.

var x : int

Offset in the x-axis (horizontal).

var y : int

Offset in the y-axis (vertical).


def at_offset(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) ‑> Region

Get a new Region with the same size at a given offset.


offset : tuple[int, int]
An offset.


New Region with adjusted offset.
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def at_offset(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
    """Get a new Region with the same size at a given offset.

        offset (tuple[int, int]): An offset.

        Region: New Region with adjusted offset.
    x, y = offset
    _x, _y, width, height = self
    return Region(x, y, width, height)
def clip(self, width: int, height: int) ‑> Region

Clip this region to fit within width, height.


width : int
Width of bounds.
height : int
Height of bounds.


Clipped region.
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def clip(self, width: int, height: int) -> Region:
    """Clip this region to fit within width, height.

        width (int): Width of bounds.
        height (int): Height of bounds.

        Region: Clipped region.
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners

    _clamp = clamp
    new_region = Region.from_corners(
        _clamp(x1, 0, width),
        _clamp(y1, 0, height),
        _clamp(x2, 0, width),
        _clamp(y2, 0, height),
    return new_region
def clip_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) ‑> Region

Clip the size to fit within minimum values.


size : tuple[int, int]
Maximum width and height.


No region, not bigger than size.
Expand source code
def clip_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
    """Clip the size to fit within minimum values.

        size (tuple[int, int]): Maximum width and height.

        Region: No region, not bigger than size.
    x, y, width, height = self
    max_width, max_height = size
    return Region(x, y, min(width, max_width), min(height, max_height))
def contains(self, x: int, y: int) ‑> bool

Check if a point is in the region.


x : int
X coordinate.
y : int
Y coordinate.


True if the point is within the region.
Expand source code
def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
    """Check if a point is in the region.

        x (int): X coordinate.
        y (int): Y coordinate.

        bool: True if the point is within the region.
    self_x, self_y, width, height = self
    return (self_x + width > x >= self_x) and (self_y + height > y >= self_y)
def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) ‑> bool

Check if a point is in the region.


point : tuple[int, int]
A tuple of x and y coordinates.


True if the point is within the region.
Expand source code
def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
    """Check if a point is in the region.

        point (tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x and y coordinates.

        bool: True if the point is within the region.
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
        ox, oy = point
    except Exception:
        raise TypeError(f"a tuple of two integers is required, not {point!r}")
    return (x2 > ox >= x1) and (y2 > oy >= y1)
def contains_region(self, other: Region) ‑> bool

Check if a region is entirely contained within this region.


other : Region
A region.


True if the other region fits perfectly within this region.
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def contains_region(self, other: Region) -> bool:
    """Check if a region is entirely contained within this region.

        other (Region): A region.

        bool: True if the other region fits perfectly within this region.
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
    ox, oy, ox2, oy2 = other.corners
    return (
        (x2 >= ox >= x1)
        and (y2 >= oy >= y1)
        and (x2 >= ox2 >= x1)
        and (y2 >= oy2 >= y1)
def crop_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) ‑> Region

Get a region with the same offset, with a size no larger than size.


size : tuple[int, int]
Maximum width and height (WIDTH, HEIGHT).


New region that could fit within size.
Expand source code
def crop_size(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
    """Get a region with the same offset, with a size no larger than `size`.

        size (tuple[int, int]): Maximum width and height (WIDTH, HEIGHT).

        Region: New region that could fit within `size`.
    x, y, width1, height1 = self
    width2, height2 = size
    return Region(x, y, min(width1, width2), min(height1, height2))
def expand(self, size: tuple[int, int]) ‑> Region

Increase the size of the region by adding a border.


size : tuple[int, int]
Additional width and height.


A new region.
Expand source code
def expand(self, size: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
    """Increase the size of the region by adding a border.

        size (tuple[int, int]): Additional width and height.

        Region: A new region.
    expand_width, expand_height = size
    x, y, width, height = self
    return Region(
        x - expand_width,
        y - expand_height,
        width + expand_width * 2,
        height + expand_height * 2,
def grow(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) ‑> Region

Grow a region by adding spacing.


margin : tuple[int, int, in, int]
Grow space by (<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>).


New region.
Expand source code
def grow(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Region:
    """Grow a region by adding spacing.

        margin (tuple[int, int, in, int]): Grow space by `(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)`.

        Region: New region.

    top, right, bottom, left = margin
    x, y, width, height = self
    return Region(
        x=x - left,
        y=y - top,
        width=max(0, width + left + right),
        height=max(0, height + top + bottom),
def intersection(self, region: Region) ‑> Region

Get the overlapping portion of the two regions.


region : Region
A region that overlaps this region.


A new region that covers when the two regions overlap.
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def intersection(self, region: Region) -> Region:
    """Get the overlapping portion of the two regions.

        region (Region): A region that overlaps this region.

        Region: A new region that covers when the two regions overlap.
    # Unrolled because this method is used a lot
    x1, y1, w1, h1 = self
    cx1, cy1, w2, h2 = region
    x2 = x1 + w1
    y2 = y1 + h1
    cx2 = cx1 + w2
    cy2 = cy1 + h2

    rx1 = cx2 if x1 > cx2 else (cx1 if x1 < cx1 else x1)
    ry1 = cy2 if y1 > cy2 else (cy1 if y1 < cy1 else y1)
    rx2 = cx2 if x2 > cx2 else (cx1 if x2 < cx1 else x2)
    ry2 = cy2 if y2 > cy2 else (cy1 if y2 < cy1 else y2)

    return Region(rx1, ry1, rx2 - rx1, ry2 - ry1)
def overlaps(self, other: Region) ‑> bool

Check if another region overlaps this region.


other : Region
A Region.


True if other region shares any cells with this region.
Expand source code
def overlaps(self, other: Region) -> bool:
    """Check if another region overlaps this region.

        other (Region): A Region.

        bool: True if other region shares any cells with this region.
    x, y, x2, y2 = self.corners
    ox, oy, ox2, oy2 = other.corners

    return ((x2 > ox >= x) or (x2 > ox2 > x) or (ox < x and ox2 >= x2)) and (
        (y2 > oy >= y) or (y2 > oy2 > y) or (oy < y and oy2 >= y2)
def shrink(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) ‑> Region

Shrink a region by subtracting spacing.


margin : tuple[int, int, int, int]
Shrink space by (<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>).


The new, smaller region.
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def shrink(self, margin: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> Region:
    """Shrink a region by subtracting spacing.

        margin (tuple[int, int, int, int]): Shrink space by `(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)`.

        Region: The new, smaller region.

    top, right, bottom, left = margin
    x, y, width, height = self
    return Region(
        x=x + left,
        y=y + top,
        width=max(0, width - (left + right)),
        height=max(0, height - (top + bottom)),
def split(self, cut_x: int, cut_y: int) ‑> tuple[RegionRegionRegionRegion]

Split a region in to 4 from given x and y offsets (cuts).

           cut_x ↓
        ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
        │        │ │   │
        │    0   │ │ 1 │
        │        │ │   │
cut_y → └────────┘ └───┘
        ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
        │    2   │ │ 3 │
        └────────┘ └───┘


cut_x : int
Offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut is taken from the right edge.
cut_y : int
Offset from self.y where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut is taken from the lower edge.


tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]
Four new regions which add up to the original (self).
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def split(self, cut_x: int, cut_y: int) -> tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]:
    """Split a region in to 4 from given x and y offsets (cuts).

               cut_x ↓
            ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
            │        │ │   │
            │    0   │ │ 1 │
            │        │ │   │
    cut_y → └────────┘ └───┘
            ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
            │    2   │ │ 3 │
            └────────┘ └───┘

        cut_x (int): Offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
            is taken from the right edge.
        cut_y (int): Offset from self.y where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
            is taken from the lower edge.

        tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]: Four new regions which add up to the original (self).

    x, y, width, height = self
    if cut_x < 0:
        cut_x = width + cut_x
    if cut_y < 0:
        cut_y = height + cut_y

    _Region = Region
    return (
        _Region(x, y, cut_x, cut_y),
        _Region(x + cut_x, y, width - cut_x, cut_y),
        _Region(x, y + cut_y, cut_x, height - cut_y),
        _Region(x + cut_x, y + cut_y, width - cut_x, height - cut_y),
def split_horizontal(self, cut: int) ‑> tuple[RegionRegion]

Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

            │    0    │
            │         │
    cut →   └─────────┘
            │    1    │


cut : int
An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. May be negative, for the offset to start from the right edge.


tuple[Region, Region]
Two regions, which add up to the original (self).
Expand source code
def split_horizontal(self, cut: int) -> tuple[Region, Region]:
    """Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

                │    0    │
                │         │
        cut →   └─────────┘
                │    1    │

        cut (int): An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. May be negative,
            for the offset to start from the right edge.

        tuple[Region, Region]: Two regions, which add up to the original (self).
    x, y, width, height = self
    if cut < 0:
        cut = height + cut

    return (
        Region(x, y, width, cut),
        Region(x, y + cut, width, height - cut),
def split_vertical(self, cut: int) ‑> tuple[RegionRegion]

Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

         cut ↓
    │    0   ││ 1 │
    │        ││   │


cut : int
An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If cut is negative, it is taken from the right edge.


tuple[Region, Region]
Two regions, which add up to the original (self).
Expand source code
def split_vertical(self, cut: int) -> tuple[Region, Region]:
    """Split a region in to two, from a given x offset.

             cut ↓
        │    0   ││ 1 │
        │        ││   │

        cut (int): An offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If cut is negative,
            it is taken from the right edge.

        tuple[Region, Region]: Two regions, which add up to the original (self).

    x, y, width, height = self
    if cut < 0:
        cut = width + cut

    return (
        Region(x, y, cut, height),
        Region(x + cut, y, width - cut, height),
def translate(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) ‑> Region

Move the offset of the Region.


offset : tuple[int, int]
Offset to add to region.


A new region shifted by (x, y)
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def translate(self, offset: tuple[int, int]) -> Region:
    """Move the offset of the Region.

        offset (tuple[int, int]): Offset to add to region.

        Region: A new region shifted by (x, y)

    self_x, self_y, width, height = self
    offset_x, offset_y = offset
    return Region(self_x + offset_x, self_y + offset_y, width, height)
def union(self, region: Region) ‑> Region

Get the smallest region that contains both regions.


region : Region
Another region.


An optimally sized region to cover both regions.
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def union(self, region: Region) -> Region:
    """Get the smallest region that contains both regions.

        region (Region): Another region.

        Region: An optimally sized region to cover both regions.
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.corners
    ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2 = region.corners

    union_region = self.from_corners(
        min(x1, ox1), min(y1, oy1), max(x2, ox2), max(y2, oy2)
    return union_region
class Size (width: int = 0, height: int = 0)

The dimensions of a rectangular region.

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class Size(NamedTuple):
    """The dimensions of a rectangular region."""

    width: int = 0
    """The width in cells."""

    height: int = 0
    """The height in cells."""

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        """A Size is Falsy if it has area 0."""
        return self.width * self.height != 0

    def area(self) -> int:
        """Get the area of the size.

            int: Area in cells.
        return self.width * self.height

    def region(self) -> Region:
        """Get a region of the same size.

            Region: A region with the same size at (0, 0).

        width, height = self
        return Region(0, 0, width, height)

    def line_range(self) -> range:
        """Get a range covering lines.

            range: A builtin range object.
        return range(self.height)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Size:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            width, height = self
            width2, height2 = other
            return Size(max(0, width + width2), max(0, height + height2))
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Size:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            width, height = self
            width2, height2 = other
            return Size(max(0, width - width2), max(0, height - height2))
        return NotImplemented

    def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in area defined by the size.

            x (int): X coordinate.
            y (int): Y coordinate.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        width, height = self
        return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0

    def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        """Check if a point is in the area defined by the size.

            point (tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x and y coordinates.

            bool: True if the point is within the region.
        x, y = point
        width, height = self
        return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0

    def __contains__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
            x, y = other
        except Exception:
            raise TypeError(
                "Dimensions.__contains__ requires an iterable of two integers"
        width, height = self
        return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var area : int

Get the area of the size.


Area in cells.
Expand source code
def area(self) -> int:
    """Get the area of the size.

        int: Area in cells.
    return self.width * self.height
var height : int

The height in cells.

var line_range : range

Get a range covering lines.


A builtin range object.
Expand source code
def line_range(self) -> range:
    """Get a range covering lines.

        range: A builtin range object.
    return range(self.height)
var regionRegion

Get a region of the same size.


A region with the same size at (0, 0).
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def region(self) -> Region:
    """Get a region of the same size.

        Region: A region with the same size at (0, 0).

    width, height = self
    return Region(0, 0, width, height)
var width : int

The width in cells.


def contains(self, x: int, y: int) ‑> bool

Check if a point is in area defined by the size.


x : int
X coordinate.
y : int
Y coordinate.


True if the point is within the region.
Expand source code
def contains(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
    """Check if a point is in area defined by the size.

        x (int): X coordinate.
        y (int): Y coordinate.

        bool: True if the point is within the region.
    width, height = self
    return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0
def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) ‑> bool

Check if a point is in the area defined by the size.


point : tuple[int, int]
A tuple of x and y coordinates.


True if the point is within the region.
Expand source code
def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
    """Check if a point is in the area defined by the size.

        point (tuple[int, int]): A tuple of x and y coordinates.

        bool: True if the point is within the region.
    x, y = point
    width, height = self
    return width > x >= 0 and height > y >= 0
class Spacing (top: int = 0, right: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, left: int = 0)

The spacing around a renderable.

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class Spacing(NamedTuple):
    """The spacing around a renderable."""

    top: int = 0
    """Space from the top of a region."""
    right: int = 0
    """Space from the left of a region."""
    bottom: int = 0
    """Space from the bottom of a region."""
    left: int = 0
    """Space from the left of a region."""

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return self != (0, 0, 0, 0)

    def width(self) -> int:
        """Total space in width.

            int: Width.

        return self.left + self.right

    def height(self) -> int:
        """Total space in height.

            int: Height.

        return + self.bottom

    def top_left(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Top left space.

            tuple[int, int]: `(<left>, <top>)`

        return (self.left,

    def bottom_right(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Bottom right space.

            tuple[int, int]: `(<right>, <bottom>)`

        return (self.right, self.bottom)

    def totals(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
        """Get total horizontal and vertical space.

            tuple[int, int]: `(<horizontal>, <vertical>)`

        top, right, bottom, left = self
        return (left + right, top + bottom)

    def css(self) -> str:
        """Gets a string containing the spacing in CSS format.

            str: Spacing in CSS format.

        top, right, bottom, left = self
        if top == right == bottom == left:
            return f"{top}"
        if (top, right) == (bottom, left):
            return f"{top} {right}"
            return f"{top} {right} {bottom} {left}"

    def unpack(cls, pad: SpacingDimensions) -> Spacing:
        """Unpack padding specified in CSS style.

            pad (SpacingDimensions): An integer, or tuple of 1, 2, or 4 integers.

            ValueError: If `pad` is an invalid value.

            Spacing: New Spacing object.
        if isinstance(pad, int):
            return cls(pad, pad, pad, pad)
        pad_len = len(pad)
        if pad_len == 1:
            _pad = pad[0]
            return cls(_pad, _pad, _pad, _pad)
        if pad_len == 2:
            pad_top, pad_right = cast(Tuple[int, int], pad)
            return cls(pad_top, pad_right, pad_top, pad_right)
        if pad_len == 4:
            top, right, bottom, left = cast(Tuple[int, int, int, int], pad)
            return cls(top, right, bottom, left)
        raise ValueError(
            f"1, 2 or 4 integers required for spacing properties; {pad_len} given"

    def vertical(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
        """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on vertical edges,
        and no horizontal spacing.

            amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to vertical edges

            Spacing: `Spacing(amount, 0, amount, 0)`
        return Spacing(amount, 0, amount, 0)

    def horizontal(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
        """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on horizontal edges,
        and no vertical spacing.

            amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to horizontal edges

            Spacing: `Spacing(0, amount, 0, amount)`
        return Spacing(0, amount, 0, amount)

    def all(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
        """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on all edges.

            amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to all edges

            Spacing: `Spacing(amount, amount, amount, amount)`
        return Spacing(amount, amount, amount, amount)

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Spacing:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            top1, right1, bottom1, left1 = self
            top2, right2, bottom2, left2 = other
            return Spacing(
                top1 + top2, right1 + right2, bottom1 + bottom2, left1 + left2
        return NotImplemented

    def __sub__(self, other: object) -> Spacing:
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            top1, right1, bottom1, left1 = self
            top2, right2, bottom2, left2 = other
            return Spacing(
                top1 - top2, right1 - right2, bottom1 - bottom2, left1 - left2
        return NotImplemented

    def grow_maximum(self, other: Spacing) -> Spacing:
        """Grow spacing with a maximum.

            other (Spacing): Spacing object.

            Spacing: New spacing were the values are maximum of the two values.
        top, right, bottom, left = self
        other_top, other_right, other_bottom, other_left = other
        return Spacing(
            max(top, other_top),
            max(right, other_right),
            max(bottom, other_bottom),
            max(left, other_left),


  • builtins.tuple

Static methods

def all(amount: int) ‑> Spacing

Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on all edges.


amount : int
The magnitude of spacing to apply to all edges


Spacing(amount, amount, amount, amount)
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def all(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
    """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on all edges.

        amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to all edges

        Spacing: `Spacing(amount, amount, amount, amount)`
    return Spacing(amount, amount, amount, amount)
def horizontal(amount: int) ‑> Spacing

Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on horizontal edges, and no vertical spacing.


amount : int
The magnitude of spacing to apply to horizontal edges


Spacing(0, amount, 0, amount)
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def horizontal(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
    """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on horizontal edges,
    and no vertical spacing.

        amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to horizontal edges

        Spacing: `Spacing(0, amount, 0, amount)`
    return Spacing(0, amount, 0, amount)
def unpack(pad: SpacingDimensions) ‑> Spacing

Unpack padding specified in CSS style.


pad : SpacingDimensions
An integer, or tuple of 1, 2, or 4 integers.


If pad is an invalid value.


New Spacing object.
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def unpack(cls, pad: SpacingDimensions) -> Spacing:
    """Unpack padding specified in CSS style.

        pad (SpacingDimensions): An integer, or tuple of 1, 2, or 4 integers.

        ValueError: If `pad` is an invalid value.

        Spacing: New Spacing object.
    if isinstance(pad, int):
        return cls(pad, pad, pad, pad)
    pad_len = len(pad)
    if pad_len == 1:
        _pad = pad[0]
        return cls(_pad, _pad, _pad, _pad)
    if pad_len == 2:
        pad_top, pad_right = cast(Tuple[int, int], pad)
        return cls(pad_top, pad_right, pad_top, pad_right)
    if pad_len == 4:
        top, right, bottom, left = cast(Tuple[int, int, int, int], pad)
        return cls(top, right, bottom, left)
    raise ValueError(
        f"1, 2 or 4 integers required for spacing properties; {pad_len} given"
def vertical(amount: int) ‑> Spacing

Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on vertical edges, and no horizontal spacing.


amount : int
The magnitude of spacing to apply to vertical edges


Spacing(amount, 0, amount, 0)
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def vertical(cls, amount: int) -> Spacing:
    """Construct a Spacing with a given amount of spacing on vertical edges,
    and no horizontal spacing.

        amount (int): The magnitude of spacing to apply to vertical edges

        Spacing: `Spacing(amount, 0, amount, 0)`
    return Spacing(amount, 0, amount, 0)

Instance variables

var bottom : int

Space from the bottom of a region.

var bottom_right : tuple[int, int]

Bottom right space.


tuple[int, int]
(<right>, <bottom>)
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def bottom_right(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Bottom right space.

        tuple[int, int]: `(<right>, <bottom>)`

    return (self.right, self.bottom)
var css : str

Gets a string containing the spacing in CSS format.


Spacing in CSS format.
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def css(self) -> str:
    """Gets a string containing the spacing in CSS format.

        str: Spacing in CSS format.

    top, right, bottom, left = self
    if top == right == bottom == left:
        return f"{top}"
    if (top, right) == (bottom, left):
        return f"{top} {right}"
        return f"{top} {right} {bottom} {left}"
var height : int

Total space in height.


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def height(self) -> int:
    """Total space in height.

        int: Height.

    return + self.bottom
var left : int

Space from the left of a region.

var right : int

Space from the left of a region.

var top : int

Space from the top of a region.

var top_left : tuple[int, int]

Top left space.


tuple[int, int]
(<left>, <top>)
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def top_left(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Top left space.

        tuple[int, int]: `(<left>, <top>)`

    return (self.left,
var totals : tuple[int, int]

Get total horizontal and vertical space.


tuple[int, int]
(<horizontal>, <vertical>)
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def totals(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Get total horizontal and vertical space.

        tuple[int, int]: `(<horizontal>, <vertical>)`

    top, right, bottom, left = self
    return (left + right, top + bottom)
var width : int

Total space in width.


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def width(self) -> int:
    """Total space in width.

        int: Width.

    return self.left + self.right


def grow_maximum(self, other: Spacing) ‑> Spacing

Grow spacing with a maximum.


other : Spacing
Spacing object.


New spacing were the values are maximum of the two values.
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def grow_maximum(self, other: Spacing) -> Spacing:
    """Grow spacing with a maximum.

        other (Spacing): Spacing object.

        Spacing: New spacing were the values are maximum of the two values.
    top, right, bottom, left = self
    other_top, other_right, other_bottom, other_left = other
    return Spacing(
        max(top, other_top),
        max(right, other_right),
        max(bottom, other_bottom),
        max(left, other_left),