Module textual.scrollbar

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from __future__ import annotations

from math import ceil

import rich.repr
from rich.color import Color
from rich.console import ConsoleOptions, RenderableType, RenderResult
from rich.segment import Segment, Segments
from import Style, StyleType

from . import events
from ._types import MessageTarget
from .geometry import Offset
from .message import Message
from .reactive import Reactive
from .renderables.blank import Blank
from .widget import Widget

class ScrollMessage(Message, bubble=False):
class ScrollUp(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking above handle."""
class ScrollDown(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking below handle."""
class ScrollLeft(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking above handle."""
class ScrollRight(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking below handle."""

class ScrollTo(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when click and dragging handle."""

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        x: float | None = None,
        y: float | None = None,
        animate: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.animate = animate

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "x", self.x, None
        yield "y", self.y, None
        yield "animate", self.animate, True

class ScrollBarRender:
    def __init__(
        virtual_size: int = 100,
        window_size: int = 0,
        position: float = 0,
        thickness: int = 1,
        vertical: bool = True,
        style: StyleType = "bright_magenta on #555555",
    ) -> None:
        self.virtual_size = virtual_size
        self.window_size = window_size
        self.position = position
        self.thickness = thickness
        self.vertical = vertical = style

    def render_bar(
        size: int = 25,
        virtual_size: float = 50,
        window_size: float = 20,
        position: float = 0,
        thickness: int = 1,
        vertical: bool = True,
        back_color: Color = Color.parse("#555555"),
        bar_color: Color = Color.parse("bright_magenta"),
    ) -> Segments:

        if vertical:
            bars = ["▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", " "]
            bars = ["▉", "▊", "▋", "▌", "▍", "▎", "▏", " "]

        back = back_color
        bar = bar_color

        len_bars = len(bars)

        width_thickness = thickness if vertical else 1

        _Segment = Segment
        _Style = Style
        blank = " " * width_thickness

        foreground_meta = {"@mouse.up": "release", "@mouse.down": "grab"}
        if window_size and size and virtual_size and size != virtual_size:
            step_size = virtual_size / size

            start = int(position / step_size * len_bars)
            end = start + max(len_bars, int(ceil(window_size / step_size * len_bars)))

            start_index, start_bar = divmod(max(0, start), len_bars)
            end_index, end_bar = divmod(max(0, end), len_bars)

            upper = {"@mouse.up": "scroll_up"}
            lower = {"@mouse.up": "scroll_down"}

            upper_back_segment = Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=back, meta=upper))
            lower_back_segment = Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=back, meta=lower))

            segments = [upper_back_segment] * int(size)
            segments[end_index:] = [lower_back_segment] * (size - end_index)

            segments[start_index:end_index] = [
                _Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=bar, meta=foreground_meta))
            ] * (end_index - start_index)

            # Apply the smaller bar characters to head and tail of scrollbar for more "granularity"
            if start_index < len(segments):
                bar_character = bars[len_bars - 1 - start_bar]
                if bar_character != " ":
                    segments[start_index] = _Segment(
                        bar_character * width_thickness,
                        _Style(bgcolor=back, color=bar, meta=foreground_meta)
                        if vertical
                        else _Style(bgcolor=bar, color=back, meta=foreground_meta),
            if end_index < len(segments):
                bar_character = bars[len_bars - 1 - end_bar]
                if bar_character != " ":
                    segments[end_index] = _Segment(
                        bar_character * width_thickness,
                        _Style(bgcolor=bar, color=back, meta=foreground_meta)
                        if vertical
                        else _Style(bgcolor=back, color=bar, meta=foreground_meta),
            style = _Style(bgcolor=back)
            segments = [_Segment(blank, style=style)] * int(size)
        if vertical:
            return Segments(segments, new_lines=True)
            return Segments((segments + [_Segment.line()]) * thickness, new_lines=False)

    def __rich_console__(
        self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions
    ) -> RenderResult:
        size = (
            (options.height or console.height)
            if self.vertical
            else (options.max_width or console.width)
        thickness = (
            (options.max_width or console.width)
            if self.vertical
            else (options.height or console.height)

        _style = console.get_style(

        bar = self.render_bar(
            back_color=_style.bgcolor or Color.parse("#555555"),
            bar_color=_style.color or Color.parse("bright_magenta"),
        yield bar
class ScrollBar(Widget):

    DEFAULT_CSS = """
    ScrollBar {
        link-hover-color: ;
        link-hover-style: ;
        link-color: transparent;
        link-background: transparent;

    def __init__(
        self, vertical: bool = True, name: str | None = None, *, thickness: int = 1
    ) -> None:
        self.vertical = vertical
        self.thickness = thickness
        self.grabbed_position: float = 0
        self.auto_links = False

    window_virtual_size: Reactive[int] = Reactive(100)
    window_size: Reactive[int] = Reactive(0)
    position: Reactive[int] = Reactive(0)
    mouse_over: Reactive[bool] = Reactive(False)
    grabbed: Reactive[Offset | None] = Reactive(None)

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield from super().__rich_repr__()
        yield "window_virtual_size", self.window_virtual_size
        yield "window_size", self.window_size
        yield "position", self.position
        if self.thickness > 1:
            yield "thickness", self.thickness

    def render(self) -> RenderableType:
        styles = self.parent.styles
        background = (
            if self.mouse_over
            else styles.scrollbar_background
        color = (
            styles.scrollbar_color_active if self.grabbed else styles.scrollbar_color
        color = background + color
        scrollbar_style = Style.from_color(color.rich_color, background.rich_color)
        return ScrollBarRender(
                self.window_size if self.window_size < self.window_virtual_size else 0

    def _on_hide(self, event: events.Hide) -> None:
        if self.grabbed:

    def _on_enter(self, event: events.Enter) -> None:
        self.mouse_over = True

    def _on_leave(self, event: events.Leave) -> None:
        self.mouse_over = False

    async def action_scroll_down(self) -> None:
        await self.emit(ScrollDown(self) if self.vertical else ScrollRight(self))

    async def action_scroll_up(self) -> None:
        await self.emit(ScrollUp(self) if self.vertical else ScrollLeft(self))

    def action_grab(self) -> None:

    def action_released(self) -> None:

    async def _on_mouse_up(self, event: events.MouseUp) -> None:
        if self.grabbed:

    def _on_mouse_capture(self, event: events.MouseCapture) -> None:
        self.grabbed = event.mouse_position
        self.grabbed_position = self.position

    def _on_mouse_release(self, event: events.MouseRelease) -> None:
        self.grabbed = None

    async def _on_mouse_move(self, event: events.MouseMove) -> None:
        if self.grabbed and self.window_size:
            x: float | None = None
            y: float | None = None
            if self.vertical:
                y = round(
                    + (
                        (event.screen_y - self.grabbed.y)
                        * (self.window_virtual_size / self.window_size)
                x = round(
                    + (
                        (event.screen_x - self.grabbed.x)
                        * (self.window_virtual_size / self.window_size)
            await self.emit(ScrollTo(self, x=x, y=y))

    async def _on_click(self, event: events.Click) -> None:

class ScrollBarCorner(Widget):
    """Widget which fills the gap between horizontal and vertical scrollbars,
    should they both be present."""

    def __init__(self, name: str | None = None):

    def render(self) -> RenderableType:
        assert self.parent is not None
        styles = self.parent.styles
        color = styles.scrollbar_corner_color
        return Blank(color)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from rich.console import Console

    console = Console()

    thickness = 2
    console.print(f"Bars thickness: {thickness}")

    console.print("Vertical bar:")

    console.print("Horizontal bar:")
    console.print(ScrollBarRender.render_bar(vertical=False, thickness=thickness))


class ScrollBar (vertical: bool = True, name: str | None = None, *, thickness: int = 1)

A Widget is the base class for Textual widgets.

See also [static][textual.widgets._static.Static] for starting point for your own widgets.

Expand source code
class ScrollBar(Widget):

    DEFAULT_CSS = """
    ScrollBar {
        link-hover-color: ;
        link-hover-style: ;
        link-color: transparent;
        link-background: transparent;

    def __init__(
        self, vertical: bool = True, name: str | None = None, *, thickness: int = 1
    ) -> None:
        self.vertical = vertical
        self.thickness = thickness
        self.grabbed_position: float = 0
        self.auto_links = False

    window_virtual_size: Reactive[int] = Reactive(100)
    window_size: Reactive[int] = Reactive(0)
    position: Reactive[int] = Reactive(0)
    mouse_over: Reactive[bool] = Reactive(False)
    grabbed: Reactive[Offset | None] = Reactive(None)

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield from super().__rich_repr__()
        yield "window_virtual_size", self.window_virtual_size
        yield "window_size", self.window_size
        yield "position", self.position
        if self.thickness > 1:
            yield "thickness", self.thickness

    def render(self) -> RenderableType:
        styles = self.parent.styles
        background = (
            if self.mouse_over
            else styles.scrollbar_background
        color = (
            styles.scrollbar_color_active if self.grabbed else styles.scrollbar_color
        color = background + color
        scrollbar_style = Style.from_color(color.rich_color, background.rich_color)
        return ScrollBarRender(
                self.window_size if self.window_size < self.window_virtual_size else 0

    def _on_hide(self, event: events.Hide) -> None:
        if self.grabbed:

    def _on_enter(self, event: events.Enter) -> None:
        self.mouse_over = True

    def _on_leave(self, event: events.Leave) -> None:
        self.mouse_over = False

    async def action_scroll_down(self) -> None:
        await self.emit(ScrollDown(self) if self.vertical else ScrollRight(self))

    async def action_scroll_up(self) -> None:
        await self.emit(ScrollUp(self) if self.vertical else ScrollLeft(self))

    def action_grab(self) -> None:

    def action_released(self) -> None:

    async def _on_mouse_up(self, event: events.MouseUp) -> None:
        if self.grabbed:

    def _on_mouse_capture(self, event: events.MouseCapture) -> None:
        self.grabbed = event.mouse_position
        self.grabbed_position = self.position

    def _on_mouse_release(self, event: events.MouseRelease) -> None:
        self.grabbed = None

    async def _on_mouse_move(self, event: events.MouseMove) -> None:
        if self.grabbed and self.window_size:
            x: float | None = None
            y: float | None = None
            if self.vertical:
                y = round(
                    + (
                        (event.screen_y - self.grabbed.y)
                        * (self.window_virtual_size / self.window_size)
                x = round(
                    + (
                        (event.screen_x - self.grabbed.x)
                        * (self.window_virtual_size / self.window_size)
            await self.emit(ScrollTo(self, x=x, y=y))

    async def _on_click(self, event: events.Click) -> None:


Class variables


Instance variables

var grabbed : ReactiveType

Reactive descriptor.


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
layout : bool, optional
Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
repaint : bool, optional
Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
init : bool, optional
Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to False.
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def __get__(self, obj: Reactable, obj_type: type[object]) -> ReactiveType:
    value: _NotSet | ReactiveType = getattr(obj, self.internal_name, _NOT_SET)
    if isinstance(value, _NotSet):
        # No value present, we need to set the default
        init_name = f"_default_{}"
        default = getattr(obj, init_name)
        default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
        # Set and return the value
        setattr(obj, self.internal_name, default_value)
        if self._init:
            self._check_watchers(obj,, default_value, first_set=True)
        return default_value
    return value
var position : ReactiveType

Reactive descriptor.


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
layout : bool, optional
Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
repaint : bool, optional
Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
init : bool, optional
Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to False.
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def __get__(self, obj: Reactable, obj_type: type[object]) -> ReactiveType:
    value: _NotSet | ReactiveType = getattr(obj, self.internal_name, _NOT_SET)
    if isinstance(value, _NotSet):
        # No value present, we need to set the default
        init_name = f"_default_{}"
        default = getattr(obj, init_name)
        default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
        # Set and return the value
        setattr(obj, self.internal_name, default_value)
        if self._init:
            self._check_watchers(obj,, default_value, first_set=True)
        return default_value
    return value
var window_size : ReactiveType

Reactive descriptor.


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
layout : bool, optional
Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
repaint : bool, optional
Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
init : bool, optional
Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to False.
Expand source code
def __get__(self, obj: Reactable, obj_type: type[object]) -> ReactiveType:
    value: _NotSet | ReactiveType = getattr(obj, self.internal_name, _NOT_SET)
    if isinstance(value, _NotSet):
        # No value present, we need to set the default
        init_name = f"_default_{}"
        default = getattr(obj, init_name)
        default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
        # Set and return the value
        setattr(obj, self.internal_name, default_value)
        if self._init:
            self._check_watchers(obj,, default_value, first_set=True)
        return default_value
    return value
var window_virtual_size : ReactiveType

Reactive descriptor.


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
layout : bool, optional
Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
repaint : bool, optional
Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
init : bool, optional
Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to False.
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def __get__(self, obj: Reactable, obj_type: type[object]) -> ReactiveType:
    value: _NotSet | ReactiveType = getattr(obj, self.internal_name, _NOT_SET)
    if isinstance(value, _NotSet):
        # No value present, we need to set the default
        init_name = f"_default_{}"
        default = getattr(obj, init_name)
        default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
        # Set and return the value
        setattr(obj, self.internal_name, default_value)
        if self._init:
            self._check_watchers(obj,, default_value, first_set=True)
        return default_value
    return value


def action_grab(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
def action_grab(self) -> None:
def action_released(self) ‑> None
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def action_released(self) -> None:
async def action_scroll_down(self) ‑> None
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async def action_scroll_down(self) -> None:
    await self.emit(ScrollDown(self) if self.vertical else ScrollRight(self))
async def action_scroll_up(self) ‑> None
Expand source code
async def action_scroll_up(self) -> None:
    await self.emit(ScrollUp(self) if self.vertical else ScrollLeft(self))

Inherited members

class ScrollBarCorner (name: str | None = None)

Widget which fills the gap between horizontal and vertical scrollbars, should they both be present.

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class ScrollBarCorner(Widget):
    """Widget which fills the gap between horizontal and vertical scrollbars,
    should they both be present."""

    def __init__(self, name: str | None = None):

    def render(self) -> RenderableType:
        assert self.parent is not None
        styles = self.parent.styles
        color = styles.scrollbar_corner_color
        return Blank(color)


Class variables

var COMPONENT_CLASSES : ClassVar[set[str]]

Inherited members

class ScrollBarRender (virtual_size: int = 100, window_size: int = 0, position: float = 0, thickness: int = 1, vertical: bool = True, style: StyleType = 'bright_magenta on #555555')
Expand source code
class ScrollBarRender:
    def __init__(
        virtual_size: int = 100,
        window_size: int = 0,
        position: float = 0,
        thickness: int = 1,
        vertical: bool = True,
        style: StyleType = "bright_magenta on #555555",
    ) -> None:
        self.virtual_size = virtual_size
        self.window_size = window_size
        self.position = position
        self.thickness = thickness
        self.vertical = vertical = style

    def render_bar(
        size: int = 25,
        virtual_size: float = 50,
        window_size: float = 20,
        position: float = 0,
        thickness: int = 1,
        vertical: bool = True,
        back_color: Color = Color.parse("#555555"),
        bar_color: Color = Color.parse("bright_magenta"),
    ) -> Segments:

        if vertical:
            bars = ["▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", " "]
            bars = ["▉", "▊", "▋", "▌", "▍", "▎", "▏", " "]

        back = back_color
        bar = bar_color

        len_bars = len(bars)

        width_thickness = thickness if vertical else 1

        _Segment = Segment
        _Style = Style
        blank = " " * width_thickness

        foreground_meta = {"@mouse.up": "release", "@mouse.down": "grab"}
        if window_size and size and virtual_size and size != virtual_size:
            step_size = virtual_size / size

            start = int(position / step_size * len_bars)
            end = start + max(len_bars, int(ceil(window_size / step_size * len_bars)))

            start_index, start_bar = divmod(max(0, start), len_bars)
            end_index, end_bar = divmod(max(0, end), len_bars)

            upper = {"@mouse.up": "scroll_up"}
            lower = {"@mouse.up": "scroll_down"}

            upper_back_segment = Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=back, meta=upper))
            lower_back_segment = Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=back, meta=lower))

            segments = [upper_back_segment] * int(size)
            segments[end_index:] = [lower_back_segment] * (size - end_index)

            segments[start_index:end_index] = [
                _Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=bar, meta=foreground_meta))
            ] * (end_index - start_index)

            # Apply the smaller bar characters to head and tail of scrollbar for more "granularity"
            if start_index < len(segments):
                bar_character = bars[len_bars - 1 - start_bar]
                if bar_character != " ":
                    segments[start_index] = _Segment(
                        bar_character * width_thickness,
                        _Style(bgcolor=back, color=bar, meta=foreground_meta)
                        if vertical
                        else _Style(bgcolor=bar, color=back, meta=foreground_meta),
            if end_index < len(segments):
                bar_character = bars[len_bars - 1 - end_bar]
                if bar_character != " ":
                    segments[end_index] = _Segment(
                        bar_character * width_thickness,
                        _Style(bgcolor=bar, color=back, meta=foreground_meta)
                        if vertical
                        else _Style(bgcolor=back, color=bar, meta=foreground_meta),
            style = _Style(bgcolor=back)
            segments = [_Segment(blank, style=style)] * int(size)
        if vertical:
            return Segments(segments, new_lines=True)
            return Segments((segments + [_Segment.line()]) * thickness, new_lines=False)

    def __rich_console__(
        self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions
    ) -> RenderResult:
        size = (
            (options.height or console.height)
            if self.vertical
            else (options.max_width or console.width)
        thickness = (
            (options.max_width or console.width)
            if self.vertical
            else (options.height or console.height)

        _style = console.get_style(

        bar = self.render_bar(
            back_color=_style.bgcolor or Color.parse("#555555"),
            bar_color=_style.color or Color.parse("bright_magenta"),
        yield bar

Static methods

def render_bar(size: int = 25, virtual_size: float = 50, window_size: float = 20, position: float = 0, thickness: int = 1, vertical: bool = True, back_color: Color = Color('#555555', ColorType.TRUECOLOR, triplet=ColorTriplet(red=85, green=85, blue=85)), bar_color: Color = Color('bright_magenta', ColorType.STANDARD, number=13)) ‑> rich.segment.Segments
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def render_bar(
    size: int = 25,
    virtual_size: float = 50,
    window_size: float = 20,
    position: float = 0,
    thickness: int = 1,
    vertical: bool = True,
    back_color: Color = Color.parse("#555555"),
    bar_color: Color = Color.parse("bright_magenta"),
) -> Segments:

    if vertical:
        bars = ["▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", " "]
        bars = ["▉", "▊", "▋", "▌", "▍", "▎", "▏", " "]

    back = back_color
    bar = bar_color

    len_bars = len(bars)

    width_thickness = thickness if vertical else 1

    _Segment = Segment
    _Style = Style
    blank = " " * width_thickness

    foreground_meta = {"@mouse.up": "release", "@mouse.down": "grab"}
    if window_size and size and virtual_size and size != virtual_size:
        step_size = virtual_size / size

        start = int(position / step_size * len_bars)
        end = start + max(len_bars, int(ceil(window_size / step_size * len_bars)))

        start_index, start_bar = divmod(max(0, start), len_bars)
        end_index, end_bar = divmod(max(0, end), len_bars)

        upper = {"@mouse.up": "scroll_up"}
        lower = {"@mouse.up": "scroll_down"}

        upper_back_segment = Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=back, meta=upper))
        lower_back_segment = Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=back, meta=lower))

        segments = [upper_back_segment] * int(size)
        segments[end_index:] = [lower_back_segment] * (size - end_index)

        segments[start_index:end_index] = [
            _Segment(blank, _Style(bgcolor=bar, meta=foreground_meta))
        ] * (end_index - start_index)

        # Apply the smaller bar characters to head and tail of scrollbar for more "granularity"
        if start_index < len(segments):
            bar_character = bars[len_bars - 1 - start_bar]
            if bar_character != " ":
                segments[start_index] = _Segment(
                    bar_character * width_thickness,
                    _Style(bgcolor=back, color=bar, meta=foreground_meta)
                    if vertical
                    else _Style(bgcolor=bar, color=back, meta=foreground_meta),
        if end_index < len(segments):
            bar_character = bars[len_bars - 1 - end_bar]
            if bar_character != " ":
                segments[end_index] = _Segment(
                    bar_character * width_thickness,
                    _Style(bgcolor=bar, color=back, meta=foreground_meta)
                    if vertical
                    else _Style(bgcolor=back, color=bar, meta=foreground_meta),
        style = _Style(bgcolor=back)
        segments = [_Segment(blank, style=style)] * int(size)
    if vertical:
        return Segments(segments, new_lines=True)
        return Segments((segments + [_Segment.line()]) * thickness, new_lines=False)
class ScrollDown (sender: MessageTarget)

Message sent when clicking below handle.

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class ScrollDown(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking below handle."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class ScrollLeft (sender: MessageTarget)

Message sent when clicking above handle.

Expand source code
class ScrollLeft(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking above handle."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class ScrollMessage (sender: MessageTarget)

Base class for a message.


sender : MessageTarget
The sender of the message / event.
Expand source code
class ScrollMessage(Message, bubble=False):



Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class ScrollRight (sender: MessageTarget)

Message sent when clicking below handle.

Expand source code
class ScrollRight(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking below handle."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class ScrollTo (sender: MessageTarget, x: float | None = None, y: float | None = None, animate: bool = True)

Message sent when click and dragging handle.

Expand source code
class ScrollTo(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when click and dragging handle."""

    def __init__(
        sender: MessageTarget,
        x: float | None = None,
        y: float | None = None,
        animate: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.animate = animate

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        yield "x", self.x, None
        yield "y", self.y, None
        yield "animate", self.animate, True


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members

class ScrollUp (sender: MessageTarget)

Message sent when clicking above handle.

Expand source code
class ScrollUp(ScrollMessage, verbose=True):
    """Message sent when clicking above handle."""


Class variables

var bubble : ClassVar[bool]
var namespace : ClassVar[str]
var no_dispatch : ClassVar[bool]
var verbose : ClassVar[bool]

Inherited members