Module textual.renderables.sparkline

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from __future__ import annotations

import statistics
from typing import Sequence, Iterable, Callable, TypeVar

from rich.color import Color
from rich.console import ConsoleOptions, Console, RenderResult
from rich.segment import Segment
from import Style

from textual.renderables._blend_colors import blend_colors

T = TypeVar("T", int, float)

class Sparkline:
    """A sparkline representing a series of data.

        data (Sequence[T]): The sequence of data to render.
        width (int, optional): The width of the sparkline/the number of buckets to partition the data into.
        min_color (Color, optional): The color of values equal to the min value in data.
        max_color (Color, optional): The color of values equal to the max value in data.
        summary_function (Callable[list[T]]): Function that will be applied to each bucket.

    BARS = "▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█"

    def __init__(
        data: Sequence[T],
        width: int | None,
        min_color: Color = Color.from_rgb(0, 255, 0),
        max_color: Color = Color.from_rgb(255, 0, 0),
        summary_function: Callable[[list[T]], float] = max,
    ) -> None: = data
        self.width = width
        self.min_color = Style.from_color(min_color)
        self.max_color = Style.from_color(max_color)
        self.summary_function = summary_function

    def _buckets(cls, data: Sequence[T], num_buckets: int) -> Iterable[list[T]]:
        """Partition ``data`` into ``num_buckets`` buckets. For example, the data
        [1, 2, 3, 4] partitioned into 2 buckets is [[1, 2], [3, 4]].

            data (Sequence[T]): The data to partition.
            num_buckets (int): The number of buckets to partition the data into.
        num_steps, remainder = divmod(len(data), num_buckets)
        for i in range(num_buckets):
            start = i * num_steps + min(i, remainder)
            end = (i + 1) * num_steps + min(i + 1, remainder)
            partition = data[start:end]
            if partition:
                yield partition

    def __rich_console__(
        self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions
    ) -> RenderResult:
        width = self.width or options.max_width
        len_data = len(
        if len_data == 0:
            yield Segment("▁" * width, self.min_color)
        if len_data == 1:
            yield Segment("█" * width, self.max_color)

        minimum, maximum = min(, max(
        extent = maximum - minimum or 1

        buckets = list(self._buckets(, num_buckets=self.width))

        bucket_index = 0
        bars_rendered = 0
        step = len(buckets) / width
        summary_function = self.summary_function
        min_color, max_color = self.min_color.color, self.max_color.color
        while bars_rendered < width:
            partition = buckets[int(bucket_index)]
            partition_summary = summary_function(partition)
            height_ratio = (partition_summary - minimum) / extent
            bar_index = int(height_ratio * (len(self.BARS) - 1))
            bar_color = blend_colors(min_color, max_color, height_ratio)
            bars_rendered += 1
            bucket_index += step
            yield Segment(self.BARS[bar_index], Style.from_color(bar_color))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    console = Console()

    def last(l):
        return l[-1]

    funcs = min, max, last, statistics.median, statistics.mean
    nums = [10, 2, 30, 60, 45, 20, 7, 8, 9, 10, 50, 13, 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 7, 20]
    console.print(f"data = {nums}\n")
    for f in funcs:
            f"{f.__name__}:\t", Sparkline(nums, width=12, summary_function=f), end=""


class Sparkline (data: Sequence[T], *, width: int | None, min_color: Color = Color('#00ff00', ColorType.TRUECOLOR, triplet=ColorTriplet(red=0, green=255, blue=0)), max_color: Color = Color('#ff0000', ColorType.TRUECOLOR, triplet=ColorTriplet(red=255, green=0, blue=0)), summary_function: Callable[[list[T]], float] = <built-in function max>)

A sparkline representing a series of data.


data : Sequence[T]
The sequence of data to render.
width : int, optional
The width of the sparkline/the number of buckets to partition the data into.
min_color : Color, optional
The color of values equal to the min value in data.
max_color : Color, optional
The color of values equal to the max value in data.
summary_function : Callable[list[T]]
Function that will be applied to each bucket.
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class Sparkline:
    """A sparkline representing a series of data.

        data (Sequence[T]): The sequence of data to render.
        width (int, optional): The width of the sparkline/the number of buckets to partition the data into.
        min_color (Color, optional): The color of values equal to the min value in data.
        max_color (Color, optional): The color of values equal to the max value in data.
        summary_function (Callable[list[T]]): Function that will be applied to each bucket.

    BARS = "▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█"

    def __init__(
        data: Sequence[T],
        width: int | None,
        min_color: Color = Color.from_rgb(0, 255, 0),
        max_color: Color = Color.from_rgb(255, 0, 0),
        summary_function: Callable[[list[T]], float] = max,
    ) -> None: = data
        self.width = width
        self.min_color = Style.from_color(min_color)
        self.max_color = Style.from_color(max_color)
        self.summary_function = summary_function

    def _buckets(cls, data: Sequence[T], num_buckets: int) -> Iterable[list[T]]:
        """Partition ``data`` into ``num_buckets`` buckets. For example, the data
        [1, 2, 3, 4] partitioned into 2 buckets is [[1, 2], [3, 4]].

            data (Sequence[T]): The data to partition.
            num_buckets (int): The number of buckets to partition the data into.
        num_steps, remainder = divmod(len(data), num_buckets)
        for i in range(num_buckets):
            start = i * num_steps + min(i, remainder)
            end = (i + 1) * num_steps + min(i + 1, remainder)
            partition = data[start:end]
            if partition:
                yield partition

    def __rich_console__(
        self, console: Console, options: ConsoleOptions
    ) -> RenderResult:
        width = self.width or options.max_width
        len_data = len(
        if len_data == 0:
            yield Segment("▁" * width, self.min_color)
        if len_data == 1:
            yield Segment("█" * width, self.max_color)

        minimum, maximum = min(, max(
        extent = maximum - minimum or 1

        buckets = list(self._buckets(, num_buckets=self.width))

        bucket_index = 0
        bars_rendered = 0
        step = len(buckets) / width
        summary_function = self.summary_function
        min_color, max_color = self.min_color.color, self.max_color.color
        while bars_rendered < width:
            partition = buckets[int(bucket_index)]
            partition_summary = summary_function(partition)
            height_ratio = (partition_summary - minimum) / extent
            bar_index = int(height_ratio * (len(self.BARS) - 1))
            bar_color = blend_colors(min_color, max_color, height_ratio)
            bars_rendered += 1
            bucket_index += step
            yield Segment(self.BARS[bar_index], Style.from_color(bar_color))

Class variables

var BARS