Module textual.reactive

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from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from inspect import isawaitable
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Generic, Type, TypeVar, Union
from weakref import WeakSet

from . import events
from ._callback import count_parameters, invoke
from ._types import MessageTarget

    from .app import App
    from .widget import Widget

    Reactable = Union[Widget, App]

ReactiveType = TypeVar("ReactiveType")

class _NotSet:

_NOT_SET = _NotSet()

T = TypeVar("T")

class Reactive(Generic[ReactiveType]):
    """Reactive descriptor.

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
        layout (bool, optional): Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
        repaint (bool, optional): Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
        init (bool, optional): Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to False.


    def __init__(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
        layout: bool = False,
        repaint: bool = True,
        init: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self._default = default
        self._layout = layout
        self._repaint = repaint
        self._init = init

    def init(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
        layout: bool = False,
        repaint: bool = True,
    ) -> Reactive:
        """A reactive variable that calls watchers and compute on initialize (post mount).

            default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
            layout (bool, optional): Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
            repaint (bool, optional): Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.

            Reactive: A Reactive instance which calls watchers or initialize.
        return cls(default, layout=layout, repaint=repaint, init=True)

    def var(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
    ) -> Reactive:
        """A reactive variable that doesn't update or layout.

            default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]):  A default value or callable that returns a default.

            Reactive: A Reactive descriptor.
        return cls(default, layout=False, repaint=False, init=True)

    def _initialize_object(cls, obj: object) -> None:
        """Set defaults and call any watchers / computes for the first time.

            obj (Reactable): An object with Reactive descriptors
        if not hasattr(obj, "__reactive_initialized"):
            startswith = str.startswith
            for key in obj.__class__.__dict__:
                if startswith(key, "_default_"):
                    name = key[9:]
                    # Check defaults
                    if not hasattr(obj, name):
                        # Attribute has no value yet
                        default = getattr(obj, key)
                        default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
                        # Set the default vale (calls `__set__`)
                        setattr(obj, name, default_value)
        setattr(obj, "__reactive_initialized", True)

    def __set_name__(self, owner: Type[MessageTarget], name: str) -> None:

        # Check for compute method
        if hasattr(owner, f"compute_{name}"):
            # Compute methods are stored in a list called `__computes`
                computes = getattr(owner, "__computes")
            except AttributeError:
                computes = []
                setattr(owner, "__computes", computes)

        # The name of the attribute = name
        # The internal name where the attribute's value is stored
        self.internal_name = f"_reactive_{name}"
        default = self._default
        setattr(owner, f"_default_{name}", default)

    def __get__(self, obj: Reactable, obj_type: type[object]) -> ReactiveType:
        value: _NotSet | ReactiveType = getattr(obj, self.internal_name, _NOT_SET)
        if isinstance(value, _NotSet):
            # No value present, we need to set the default
            init_name = f"_default_{}"
            default = getattr(obj, init_name)
            default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
            # Set and return the value
            setattr(obj, self.internal_name, default_value)
            if self._init:
                self._check_watchers(obj,, default_value, first_set=True)
            return default_value
        return value

    def __set__(self, obj: Reactable, value: ReactiveType) -> None:
        name =
        current_value = getattr(obj, name)
        # Check for validate function
        validate_function = getattr(obj, f"validate_{name}", None)
        # Check if this is the first time setting the value
        first_set = getattr(obj, f"__first_set_{self.internal_name}", True)
        # Call validate, but not on first set.
        if callable(validate_function) and not first_set:
            value = validate_function(value)
        # If the value has changed, or this is the first time setting the value
        if current_value != value or first_set:
            # Set the first set flag to False
            setattr(obj, f"__first_set_{self.internal_name}", False)
            # Store the internal value
            setattr(obj, self.internal_name, value)
            # Check all watchers
            self._check_watchers(obj, name, current_value, first_set=first_set)
            # Refresh according to descriptor flags
            if self._layout or self._repaint:
                obj.refresh(repaint=self._repaint, layout=self._layout)

    def _check_watchers(
        cls, obj: Reactable, name: str, old_value: Any, first_set: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        """Check watchers, and call watch methods / computes

            obj (Reactable): The reactable object.
            name (str): Attribute name.
            old_value (Any): The old (previous) value of the attribute.
            first_set (bool, optional): True if this is the first time setting the value. Defaults to False.
        # Get the current value.
        internal_name = f"_reactive_{name}"
        value = getattr(obj, internal_name)

        async def update_watcher(
            obj: Reactable, watch_function: Callable, old_value: Any, value: Any
        ) -> None:
            """Call watch function, and run compute.

                obj (Reactable): Reactable object.
                watch_function (Callable): Watch method.
                old_value (Any): Old value.
                value (Any): new value.
            _rich_traceback_guard = True
            # Call watch with one or two parameters
            if count_parameters(watch_function) == 2:
                watch_result = watch_function(old_value, value)
                watch_result = watch_function(value)
            # Optionally await result
            if isawaitable(watch_result):
                await watch_result
            # Run computes
            await Reactive._compute(obj)

        # Check for watch method
        watch_function = getattr(obj, f"watch_{name}", None)
        if callable(watch_function):
            # Post a callback message, so we can call the watch method in an orderly async manner
                        update_watcher, obj, watch_function, old_value, value

        # Check for watchers set via `watch`
        watcher_name = f"__{name}_watchers"
        watchers = getattr(obj, watcher_name, ())
        for watcher in watchers:
                    callback=partial(update_watcher, obj, watcher, old_value, value),

        # Run computes
            events.Callback(sender=obj, callback=partial(Reactive._compute, obj))

    async def _compute(cls, obj: Reactable) -> None:
        """Invoke all computes.

            obj (Reactable): Reactable object.
        _rich_traceback_guard = True
        computes = getattr(obj, "__computes", [])
        for compute in computes:
                compute_method = getattr(obj, f"compute_{compute}")
            except AttributeError:

            value = await invoke(compute_method)
            setattr(obj, compute, value)

class reactive(Reactive[ReactiveType]):
    """Create a reactive attribute.

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
        layout (bool, optional): Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
        repaint (bool, optional): Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
        init (bool, optional): Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to True.


    def __init__(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
        layout: bool = False,
        repaint: bool = True,
        init: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(default, layout=layout, repaint=repaint, init=init)

class var(Reactive[ReactiveType]):
    """Create a reactive attribute (with no auto-refresh).

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.

    def __init__(self, default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]) -> None:
        super().__init__(default, layout=False, repaint=False, init=True)

def watch(
    obj: Reactable, attribute_name: str, callback: Callable[[Any], object]
) -> None:
    """Watch a reactive variable on an object.

        obj (Reactable): The parent object.
        attribute_name (str): The attribute to watch.
        callback (Callable[[Any], object]): A callable to call when the attribute changes.
    watcher_name = f"__{attribute_name}_watchers"
    current_value = getattr(obj, attribute_name, None)
    if not hasattr(obj, watcher_name):
        setattr(obj, watcher_name, WeakSet())
    watchers = getattr(obj, watcher_name)
    Reactive._check_watchers(obj, attribute_name, current_value)


def watch(obj: Reactable, attribute_name: str, callback: Callable[[Any], object]) ‑> None

Watch a reactive variable on an object.


obj : Reactable
The parent object.
attribute_name : str
The attribute to watch.
callback : Callable[[Any], object]
A callable to call when the attribute changes.
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def watch(
    obj: Reactable, attribute_name: str, callback: Callable[[Any], object]
) -> None:
    """Watch a reactive variable on an object.

        obj (Reactable): The parent object.
        attribute_name (str): The attribute to watch.
        callback (Callable[[Any], object]): A callable to call when the attribute changes.
    watcher_name = f"__{attribute_name}_watchers"
    current_value = getattr(obj, attribute_name, None)
    if not hasattr(obj, watcher_name):
        setattr(obj, watcher_name, WeakSet())
    watchers = getattr(obj, watcher_name)
    Reactive._check_watchers(obj, attribute_name, current_value)


class Reactive (default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType], *, layout: bool = False, repaint: bool = True, init: bool = False)

Reactive descriptor.


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
layout : bool, optional
Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
repaint : bool, optional
Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
init : bool, optional
Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to False.
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class Reactive(Generic[ReactiveType]):
    """Reactive descriptor.

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
        layout (bool, optional): Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
        repaint (bool, optional): Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
        init (bool, optional): Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to False.


    def __init__(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
        layout: bool = False,
        repaint: bool = True,
        init: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self._default = default
        self._layout = layout
        self._repaint = repaint
        self._init = init

    def init(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
        layout: bool = False,
        repaint: bool = True,
    ) -> Reactive:
        """A reactive variable that calls watchers and compute on initialize (post mount).

            default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
            layout (bool, optional): Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
            repaint (bool, optional): Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.

            Reactive: A Reactive instance which calls watchers or initialize.
        return cls(default, layout=layout, repaint=repaint, init=True)

    def var(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
    ) -> Reactive:
        """A reactive variable that doesn't update or layout.

            default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]):  A default value or callable that returns a default.

            Reactive: A Reactive descriptor.
        return cls(default, layout=False, repaint=False, init=True)

    def _initialize_object(cls, obj: object) -> None:
        """Set defaults and call any watchers / computes for the first time.

            obj (Reactable): An object with Reactive descriptors
        if not hasattr(obj, "__reactive_initialized"):
            startswith = str.startswith
            for key in obj.__class__.__dict__:
                if startswith(key, "_default_"):
                    name = key[9:]
                    # Check defaults
                    if not hasattr(obj, name):
                        # Attribute has no value yet
                        default = getattr(obj, key)
                        default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
                        # Set the default vale (calls `__set__`)
                        setattr(obj, name, default_value)
        setattr(obj, "__reactive_initialized", True)

    def __set_name__(self, owner: Type[MessageTarget], name: str) -> None:

        # Check for compute method
        if hasattr(owner, f"compute_{name}"):
            # Compute methods are stored in a list called `__computes`
                computes = getattr(owner, "__computes")
            except AttributeError:
                computes = []
                setattr(owner, "__computes", computes)

        # The name of the attribute = name
        # The internal name where the attribute's value is stored
        self.internal_name = f"_reactive_{name}"
        default = self._default
        setattr(owner, f"_default_{name}", default)

    def __get__(self, obj: Reactable, obj_type: type[object]) -> ReactiveType:
        value: _NotSet | ReactiveType = getattr(obj, self.internal_name, _NOT_SET)
        if isinstance(value, _NotSet):
            # No value present, we need to set the default
            init_name = f"_default_{}"
            default = getattr(obj, init_name)
            default_value = default() if callable(default) else default
            # Set and return the value
            setattr(obj, self.internal_name, default_value)
            if self._init:
                self._check_watchers(obj,, default_value, first_set=True)
            return default_value
        return value

    def __set__(self, obj: Reactable, value: ReactiveType) -> None:
        name =
        current_value = getattr(obj, name)
        # Check for validate function
        validate_function = getattr(obj, f"validate_{name}", None)
        # Check if this is the first time setting the value
        first_set = getattr(obj, f"__first_set_{self.internal_name}", True)
        # Call validate, but not on first set.
        if callable(validate_function) and not first_set:
            value = validate_function(value)
        # If the value has changed, or this is the first time setting the value
        if current_value != value or first_set:
            # Set the first set flag to False
            setattr(obj, f"__first_set_{self.internal_name}", False)
            # Store the internal value
            setattr(obj, self.internal_name, value)
            # Check all watchers
            self._check_watchers(obj, name, current_value, first_set=first_set)
            # Refresh according to descriptor flags
            if self._layout or self._repaint:
                obj.refresh(repaint=self._repaint, layout=self._layout)

    def _check_watchers(
        cls, obj: Reactable, name: str, old_value: Any, first_set: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        """Check watchers, and call watch methods / computes

            obj (Reactable): The reactable object.
            name (str): Attribute name.
            old_value (Any): The old (previous) value of the attribute.
            first_set (bool, optional): True if this is the first time setting the value. Defaults to False.
        # Get the current value.
        internal_name = f"_reactive_{name}"
        value = getattr(obj, internal_name)

        async def update_watcher(
            obj: Reactable, watch_function: Callable, old_value: Any, value: Any
        ) -> None:
            """Call watch function, and run compute.

                obj (Reactable): Reactable object.
                watch_function (Callable): Watch method.
                old_value (Any): Old value.
                value (Any): new value.
            _rich_traceback_guard = True
            # Call watch with one or two parameters
            if count_parameters(watch_function) == 2:
                watch_result = watch_function(old_value, value)
                watch_result = watch_function(value)
            # Optionally await result
            if isawaitable(watch_result):
                await watch_result
            # Run computes
            await Reactive._compute(obj)

        # Check for watch method
        watch_function = getattr(obj, f"watch_{name}", None)
        if callable(watch_function):
            # Post a callback message, so we can call the watch method in an orderly async manner
                        update_watcher, obj, watch_function, old_value, value

        # Check for watchers set via `watch`
        watcher_name = f"__{name}_watchers"
        watchers = getattr(obj, watcher_name, ())
        for watcher in watchers:
                    callback=partial(update_watcher, obj, watcher, old_value, value),

        # Run computes
            events.Callback(sender=obj, callback=partial(Reactive._compute, obj))

    async def _compute(cls, obj: Reactable) -> None:
        """Invoke all computes.

            obj (Reactable): Reactable object.
        _rich_traceback_guard = True
        computes = getattr(obj, "__computes", [])
        for compute in computes:
                compute_method = getattr(obj, f"compute_{compute}")
            except AttributeError:

            value = await invoke(compute_method)
            setattr(obj, compute, value)


  • typing.Generic


Static methods

def init(default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType], *, layout: bool = False, repaint: bool = True) ‑> Reactive

A reactive variable that calls watchers and compute on initialize (post mount).


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
layout : bool, optional
Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
repaint : bool, optional
Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.


A Reactive instance which calls watchers or initialize.
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def init(
    default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
    layout: bool = False,
    repaint: bool = True,
) -> Reactive:
    """A reactive variable that calls watchers and compute on initialize (post mount).

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
        layout (bool, optional): Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
        repaint (bool, optional): Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.

        Reactive: A Reactive instance which calls watchers or initialize.
    return cls(default, layout=layout, repaint=repaint, init=True)
def var(default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]) ‑> Reactive

A reactive variable that doesn't update or layout.


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.


A Reactive descriptor.
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def var(
    default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
) -> Reactive:
    """A reactive variable that doesn't update or layout.

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]):  A default value or callable that returns a default.

        Reactive: A Reactive descriptor.
    return cls(default, layout=False, repaint=False, init=True)
class reactive (default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType], *, layout: bool = False, repaint: bool = True, init: bool = True)

Create a reactive attribute.


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
layout : bool, optional
Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
repaint : bool, optional
Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
init : bool, optional
Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to True.
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class reactive(Reactive[ReactiveType]):
    """Create a reactive attribute.

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.
        layout (bool, optional): Perform a layout on change. Defaults to False.
        repaint (bool, optional): Perform a repaint on change. Defaults to True.
        init (bool, optional): Call watchers on initialize (post mount). Defaults to True.


    def __init__(
        default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType],
        layout: bool = False,
        repaint: bool = True,
        init: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(default, layout=layout, repaint=repaint, init=init)


Inherited members

class var (default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType])

Create a reactive attribute (with no auto-refresh).


default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.

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class var(Reactive[ReactiveType]):
    """Create a reactive attribute (with no auto-refresh).

        default (ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]): A default value or callable that returns a default.

    def __init__(self, default: ReactiveType | Callable[[], ReactiveType]) -> None:
        super().__init__(default, layout=False, repaint=False, init=True)


Inherited members