Module textual.keys

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from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum

# Adapted from prompt toolkit
class Keys(str, Enum):
    List of keys for use in key bindings.

    Note that this is an "StrEnum", all values can be compared against

    value: str

    Escape = "escape"  # Also Control-[
    ShiftEscape = "shift+escape"
    Return = "return"

    ControlAt = "ctrl+@"  # Also Control-Space.

    ControlA = "ctrl+a"
    ControlB = "ctrl+b"
    ControlC = "ctrl+c"
    ControlD = "ctrl+d"
    ControlE = "ctrl+e"
    ControlF = "ctrl+f"
    ControlG = "ctrl+g"
    ControlH = "ctrl+h"
    ControlI = "ctrl+i"  # Tab
    ControlJ = "ctrl+j"  # Newline
    ControlK = "ctrl+k"
    ControlL = "ctrl+l"
    ControlM = "ctrl+m"  # Carriage return
    ControlN = "ctrl+n"
    ControlO = "ctrl+o"
    ControlP = "ctrl+p"
    ControlQ = "ctrl+q"
    ControlR = "ctrl+r"
    ControlS = "ctrl+s"
    ControlT = "ctrl+t"
    ControlU = "ctrl+u"
    ControlV = "ctrl+v"
    ControlW = "ctrl+w"
    ControlX = "ctrl+x"
    ControlY = "ctrl+y"
    ControlZ = "ctrl+z"

    Control1 = "ctrl+1"
    Control2 = "ctrl+2"
    Control3 = "ctrl+3"
    Control4 = "ctrl+4"
    Control5 = "ctrl+5"
    Control6 = "ctrl+6"
    Control7 = "ctrl+7"
    Control8 = "ctrl+8"
    Control9 = "ctrl+9"
    Control0 = "ctrl+0"

    ControlShift1 = "ctrl+shift+1"
    ControlShift2 = "ctrl+shift+2"
    ControlShift3 = "ctrl+shift+3"
    ControlShift4 = "ctrl+shift+4"
    ControlShift5 = "ctrl+shift+5"
    ControlShift6 = "ctrl+shift+6"
    ControlShift7 = "ctrl+shift+7"
    ControlShift8 = "ctrl+shift+8"
    ControlShift9 = "ctrl+shift+9"
    ControlShift0 = "ctrl+shift+0"

    ControlBackslash = "ctrl+\\"
    ControlSquareClose = "ctrl+]"
    ControlCircumflex = "ctrl+^"
    ControlUnderscore = "ctrl+_"

    Left = "left"
    Right = "right"
    Up = "up"
    Down = "down"
    Home = "home"
    End = "end"
    Insert = "insert"
    Delete = "delete"
    PageUp = "pageup"
    PageDown = "pagedown"

    ControlLeft = "ctrl+left"
    ControlRight = "ctrl+right"
    ControlUp = "ctrl+up"
    ControlDown = "ctrl+down"
    ControlHome = "ctrl+home"
    ControlEnd = "ctrl+end"
    ControlInsert = "ctrl+insert"
    ControlDelete = "ctrl+delete"
    ControlPageUp = "ctrl+pageup"
    ControlPageDown = "ctrl+pagedown"

    ShiftLeft = "shift+left"
    ShiftRight = "shift+right"
    ShiftUp = "shift+up"
    ShiftDown = "shift+down"
    ShiftHome = "shift+home"
    ShiftEnd = "shift+end"
    ShiftInsert = "shift+insert"
    ShiftDelete = "shift+delete"
    ShiftPageUp = "shift+pageup"
    ShiftPageDown = "shift+pagedown"

    ControlShiftLeft = "ctrl+shift+left"
    ControlShiftRight = "ctrl+shift+right"
    ControlShiftUp = "ctrl+shift+up"
    ControlShiftDown = "ctrl+shift+down"
    ControlShiftHome = "ctrl+shift+home"
    ControlShiftEnd = "ctrl+shift+end"
    ControlShiftInsert = "ctrl+shift+insert"
    ControlShiftDelete = "ctrl+shift+delete"
    ControlShiftPageUp = "ctrl+shift+pageup"
    ControlShiftPageDown = "ctrl+shift+pagedown"

    BackTab = "shift+tab"  # shift + tab

    F1 = "f1"
    F2 = "f2"
    F3 = "f3"
    F4 = "f4"
    F5 = "f5"
    F6 = "f6"
    F7 = "f7"
    F8 = "f8"
    F9 = "f9"
    F10 = "f10"
    F11 = "f11"
    F12 = "f12"
    F13 = "f13"
    F14 = "f14"
    F15 = "f15"
    F16 = "f16"
    F17 = "f17"
    F18 = "f18"
    F19 = "f19"
    F20 = "f20"
    F21 = "f21"
    F22 = "f22"
    F23 = "f23"
    F24 = "f24"

    ControlF1 = "ctrl+f1"
    ControlF2 = "ctrl+f2"
    ControlF3 = "ctrl+f3"
    ControlF4 = "ctrl+f4"
    ControlF5 = "ctrl+f5"
    ControlF6 = "ctrl+f6"
    ControlF7 = "ctrl+f7"
    ControlF8 = "ctrl+f8"
    ControlF9 = "ctrl+f9"
    ControlF10 = "ctrl+f10"
    ControlF11 = "ctrl+f11"
    ControlF12 = "ctrl+f12"
    ControlF13 = "ctrl+f13"
    ControlF14 = "ctrl+f14"
    ControlF15 = "ctrl+f15"
    ControlF16 = "ctrl+f16"
    ControlF17 = "ctrl+f17"
    ControlF18 = "ctrl+f18"
    ControlF19 = "ctrl+f19"
    ControlF20 = "ctrl+f20"
    ControlF21 = "ctrl+f21"
    ControlF22 = "ctrl+f22"
    ControlF23 = "ctrl+f23"
    ControlF24 = "ctrl+f24"

    # Matches any key.
    Any = "<any>"

    # Special.
    ScrollUp = "<scroll-up>"
    ScrollDown = "<scroll-down>"

    # For internal use: key which is ignored.
    # (The key binding for this key should not do anything.)
    Ignore = "<ignore>"

    # Some 'Key' aliases (for backwardshift+compatibility).
    ControlSpace = "ctrl-at"
    Tab = "tab"
    Space = "space"
    Enter = "enter"
    Backspace = "backspace"

    # ShiftControl was renamed to ControlShift in
    # 888fcb6fa4efea0de8333177e1bbc792f3ff3c24 (20 Feb 2020).
    ShiftControlLeft = ControlShiftLeft
    ShiftControlRight = ControlShiftRight
    ShiftControlHome = ControlShiftHome
    ShiftControlEnd = ControlShiftEnd

# Unicode db contains some obscure names
# This mapping replaces them with more common terms
    "solidus": "slash",
    "reverse_solidus": "backslash",
    "commercial_at": "at",
    "hyphen_minus": "minus",
    "plus_sign": "plus",
    "low_line": "underscore",
REPLACED_KEYS = {value: key for key, value in KEY_NAME_REPLACEMENTS.items()}

# Some keys have aliases. For example, if you press `ctrl+m` on your keyboard,
# it's treated the same way as if you press `enter`. Key handlers `key_ctrl_m` and
# `key_enter` are both valid in this case.
    "tab": ["ctrl+i"],
    "enter": ["ctrl+m"],
    "escape": ["ctrl+left_square_brace"],
    "ctrl+at": ["ctrl+space"],
    "ctrl+j": ["newline"],

def _get_key_aliases(key: str) -> list[str]:
    """Return all aliases for the given key, including the key itself"""
    return [key] + KEY_ALIASES.get(key, [])


class Keys (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

List of keys for use in key bindings.

Note that this is an "StrEnum", all values can be compared against strings.

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class Keys(str, Enum):
    List of keys for use in key bindings.

    Note that this is an "StrEnum", all values can be compared against

    value: str

    Escape = "escape"  # Also Control-[
    ShiftEscape = "shift+escape"
    Return = "return"

    ControlAt = "ctrl+@"  # Also Control-Space.

    ControlA = "ctrl+a"
    ControlB = "ctrl+b"
    ControlC = "ctrl+c"
    ControlD = "ctrl+d"
    ControlE = "ctrl+e"
    ControlF = "ctrl+f"
    ControlG = "ctrl+g"
    ControlH = "ctrl+h"
    ControlI = "ctrl+i"  # Tab
    ControlJ = "ctrl+j"  # Newline
    ControlK = "ctrl+k"
    ControlL = "ctrl+l"
    ControlM = "ctrl+m"  # Carriage return
    ControlN = "ctrl+n"
    ControlO = "ctrl+o"
    ControlP = "ctrl+p"
    ControlQ = "ctrl+q"
    ControlR = "ctrl+r"
    ControlS = "ctrl+s"
    ControlT = "ctrl+t"
    ControlU = "ctrl+u"
    ControlV = "ctrl+v"
    ControlW = "ctrl+w"
    ControlX = "ctrl+x"
    ControlY = "ctrl+y"
    ControlZ = "ctrl+z"

    Control1 = "ctrl+1"
    Control2 = "ctrl+2"
    Control3 = "ctrl+3"
    Control4 = "ctrl+4"
    Control5 = "ctrl+5"
    Control6 = "ctrl+6"
    Control7 = "ctrl+7"
    Control8 = "ctrl+8"
    Control9 = "ctrl+9"
    Control0 = "ctrl+0"

    ControlShift1 = "ctrl+shift+1"
    ControlShift2 = "ctrl+shift+2"
    ControlShift3 = "ctrl+shift+3"
    ControlShift4 = "ctrl+shift+4"
    ControlShift5 = "ctrl+shift+5"
    ControlShift6 = "ctrl+shift+6"
    ControlShift7 = "ctrl+shift+7"
    ControlShift8 = "ctrl+shift+8"
    ControlShift9 = "ctrl+shift+9"
    ControlShift0 = "ctrl+shift+0"

    ControlBackslash = "ctrl+\\"
    ControlSquareClose = "ctrl+]"
    ControlCircumflex = "ctrl+^"
    ControlUnderscore = "ctrl+_"

    Left = "left"
    Right = "right"
    Up = "up"
    Down = "down"
    Home = "home"
    End = "end"
    Insert = "insert"
    Delete = "delete"
    PageUp = "pageup"
    PageDown = "pagedown"

    ControlLeft = "ctrl+left"
    ControlRight = "ctrl+right"
    ControlUp = "ctrl+up"
    ControlDown = "ctrl+down"
    ControlHome = "ctrl+home"
    ControlEnd = "ctrl+end"
    ControlInsert = "ctrl+insert"
    ControlDelete = "ctrl+delete"
    ControlPageUp = "ctrl+pageup"
    ControlPageDown = "ctrl+pagedown"

    ShiftLeft = "shift+left"
    ShiftRight = "shift+right"
    ShiftUp = "shift+up"
    ShiftDown = "shift+down"
    ShiftHome = "shift+home"
    ShiftEnd = "shift+end"
    ShiftInsert = "shift+insert"
    ShiftDelete = "shift+delete"
    ShiftPageUp = "shift+pageup"
    ShiftPageDown = "shift+pagedown"

    ControlShiftLeft = "ctrl+shift+left"
    ControlShiftRight = "ctrl+shift+right"
    ControlShiftUp = "ctrl+shift+up"
    ControlShiftDown = "ctrl+shift+down"
    ControlShiftHome = "ctrl+shift+home"
    ControlShiftEnd = "ctrl+shift+end"
    ControlShiftInsert = "ctrl+shift+insert"
    ControlShiftDelete = "ctrl+shift+delete"
    ControlShiftPageUp = "ctrl+shift+pageup"
    ControlShiftPageDown = "ctrl+shift+pagedown"

    BackTab = "shift+tab"  # shift + tab

    F1 = "f1"
    F2 = "f2"
    F3 = "f3"
    F4 = "f4"
    F5 = "f5"
    F6 = "f6"
    F7 = "f7"
    F8 = "f8"
    F9 = "f9"
    F10 = "f10"
    F11 = "f11"
    F12 = "f12"
    F13 = "f13"
    F14 = "f14"
    F15 = "f15"
    F16 = "f16"
    F17 = "f17"
    F18 = "f18"
    F19 = "f19"
    F20 = "f20"
    F21 = "f21"
    F22 = "f22"
    F23 = "f23"
    F24 = "f24"

    ControlF1 = "ctrl+f1"
    ControlF2 = "ctrl+f2"
    ControlF3 = "ctrl+f3"
    ControlF4 = "ctrl+f4"
    ControlF5 = "ctrl+f5"
    ControlF6 = "ctrl+f6"
    ControlF7 = "ctrl+f7"
    ControlF8 = "ctrl+f8"
    ControlF9 = "ctrl+f9"
    ControlF10 = "ctrl+f10"
    ControlF11 = "ctrl+f11"
    ControlF12 = "ctrl+f12"
    ControlF13 = "ctrl+f13"
    ControlF14 = "ctrl+f14"
    ControlF15 = "ctrl+f15"
    ControlF16 = "ctrl+f16"
    ControlF17 = "ctrl+f17"
    ControlF18 = "ctrl+f18"
    ControlF19 = "ctrl+f19"
    ControlF20 = "ctrl+f20"
    ControlF21 = "ctrl+f21"
    ControlF22 = "ctrl+f22"
    ControlF23 = "ctrl+f23"
    ControlF24 = "ctrl+f24"

    # Matches any key.
    Any = "<any>"

    # Special.
    ScrollUp = "<scroll-up>"
    ScrollDown = "<scroll-down>"

    # For internal use: key which is ignored.
    # (The key binding for this key should not do anything.)
    Ignore = "<ignore>"

    # Some 'Key' aliases (for backwardshift+compatibility).
    ControlSpace = "ctrl-at"
    Tab = "tab"
    Space = "space"
    Enter = "enter"
    Backspace = "backspace"

    # ShiftControl was renamed to ControlShift in
    # 888fcb6fa4efea0de8333177e1bbc792f3ff3c24 (20 Feb 2020).
    ShiftControlLeft = ControlShiftLeft
    ShiftControlRight = ControlShiftRight
    ShiftControlHome = ControlShiftHome
    ShiftControlEnd = ControlShiftEnd


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Any
var BackTab
var Backspace
var Control0
var Control1
var Control2
var Control3
var Control4
var Control5
var Control6
var Control7
var Control8
var Control9
var ControlA
var ControlAt
var ControlB
var ControlBackslash
var ControlC
var ControlCircumflex
var ControlD
var ControlDelete
var ControlDown
var ControlE
var ControlEnd
var ControlF
var ControlF1
var ControlF10
var ControlF11
var ControlF12
var ControlF13
var ControlF14
var ControlF15
var ControlF16
var ControlF17
var ControlF18
var ControlF19
var ControlF2
var ControlF20
var ControlF21
var ControlF22
var ControlF23
var ControlF24
var ControlF3
var ControlF4
var ControlF5
var ControlF6
var ControlF7
var ControlF8
var ControlF9
var ControlG
var ControlH
var ControlHome
var ControlI
var ControlInsert
var ControlJ
var ControlK
var ControlL
var ControlLeft
var ControlM
var ControlN
var ControlO
var ControlP
var ControlPageDown
var ControlPageUp
var ControlQ
var ControlR
var ControlRight
var ControlS
var ControlShift0
var ControlShift1
var ControlShift2
var ControlShift3
var ControlShift4
var ControlShift5
var ControlShift6
var ControlShift7
var ControlShift8
var ControlShift9
var ControlShiftDelete
var ControlShiftDown
var ControlShiftEnd
var ControlShiftHome
var ControlShiftInsert
var ControlShiftLeft
var ControlShiftPageDown
var ControlShiftPageUp
var ControlShiftRight
var ControlShiftUp
var ControlSpace
var ControlSquareClose
var ControlT
var ControlU
var ControlUnderscore
var ControlUp
var ControlV
var ControlW
var ControlX
var ControlY
var ControlZ
var Delete
var Down
var End
var Enter
var Escape
var F1
var F10
var F11
var F12
var F13
var F14
var F15
var F16
var F17
var F18
var F19
var F2
var F20
var F21
var F22
var F23
var F24
var F3
var F4
var F5
var F6
var F7
var F8
var F9
var Home
var Ignore
var Insert
var Left
var PageDown
var PageUp
var Return
var Right
var ScrollDown
var ScrollUp
var ShiftControlEnd
var ShiftControlHome
var ShiftControlLeft
var ShiftControlRight
var ShiftDelete
var ShiftDown
var ShiftEnd
var ShiftEscape
var ShiftHome
var ShiftInsert
var ShiftLeft
var ShiftPageDown
var ShiftPageUp
var ShiftRight
var ShiftUp
var Space
var Tab
var Up

Instance variables

var value : str

The value of the Enum member.

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def value(self):
    """The value of the Enum member."""
    return self._value_