Module textual.color

This module contains a powerful Color class which Textual uses to expose colors.

The only exception would be for Rich renderables, which require a rich.color.Color instance. You can convert from a Textual color to a Rich color with the [rich_color][textual.color.Color.rich_color] property.

Named colors

The following named colors are used by the [parse][textual.color.Color.parse] method.

from textual._color_constants import COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB
from textual.color import Color
from rich.table import Table
from rich.text import Text
table = Table("Name", "hex", "RGB", "Color", expand=True, highlight=True)

for name, triplet in sorted(COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.items()):
    if len(triplet) != 3:
    color = Color(*triplet)
    r, g, b = triplet
        Text(f"{color.hex}", "bold green"),
        f"rgb({r}, {g}, {b})",
        Text("                    ", style=f"on rgb({r},{g},{b})")
output = table
Expand source code
This module contains a powerful Color class which Textual uses to expose colors.

The only exception would be for Rich renderables, which require a rich.color.Color instance.
You can convert from a Textual color to a Rich color with the [rich_color][textual.color.Color.rich_color] property.

## Named colors

The following named colors are used by the [parse][textual.color.Color.parse] method.

```{.rich title="colors"}
from textual._color_constants import COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB
from textual.color import Color
from rich.table import Table
from rich.text import Text
table = Table("Name", "hex", "RGB", "Color", expand=True, highlight=True)

for name, triplet in sorted(COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.items()):
    if len(triplet) != 3:
    color = Color(*triplet)
    r, g, b = triplet
        Text(f"{color.hex}", "bold green"),
        f"rgb({r}, {g}, {b})",
        Text("                    ", style=f"on rgb({r},{g},{b})")
output = table


from __future__ import annotations

import re
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb, rgb_to_hls
from functools import lru_cache
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple

import rich.repr
from rich.color import Color as RichColor
from rich.color import ColorType
from rich.color_triplet import ColorTriplet
from import Style
from rich.text import Text

from textual.css.scalar import percentage_string_to_float
from textual.css.tokenize import CLOSE_BRACE, COMMA, DECIMAL, OPEN_BRACE, PERCENT
from textual.suggestions import get_suggestion

from ._color_constants import COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB
from .geometry import clamp


class HSL(NamedTuple):
    """A color in HLS format."""

    h: float
    s: float
    l: float

    def css(self) -> str:
        """HSL in css format."""
        h, s, l = self

        def as_str(number: float) -> str:
            return f"{number:.1f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")

        return f"hsl({as_str(h*360)},{as_str(s*100)}%,{as_str(l*100)}%)"

class HSV(NamedTuple):
    """A color in HSV format."""

    h: float
    s: float
    v: float

class Lab(NamedTuple):
    """A color in CIE-L*ab format."""

    L: float
    a: float
    b: float

RE_COLOR = re.compile(

# Fast way to split a string of 6 characters in to 3 pairs of 2 characters
_split_pairs3: Callable[[str], tuple[str, str, str]] = itemgetter(
    slice(0, 2), slice(2, 4), slice(4, 6)
# Fast way to split a string of 8 characters in to 4 pairs of 2 characters
_split_pairs4: Callable[[str], tuple[str, str, str, str]] = itemgetter(
    slice(0, 2), slice(2, 4), slice(4, 6), slice(6, 8)

class ColorParseError(Exception):
    """A color failed to parse.

        message (str): the error message
        suggested_color (str | None): a close color we can suggest. Defaults to None.

    def __init__(self, message: str, suggested_color: str | None = None):
        self.suggested_color = suggested_color
class Color(NamedTuple):
    """A class to represent a RGB color with an alpha component."""

    r: int
    """Red component (0-255)"""
    g: int
    """Green component (0-255)"""
    b: int
    """Blue component (0-255)"""
    a: float = 1.0
    """Alpha component (0-1)"""

    def from_rich_color(cls, rich_color: RichColor) -> Color:
        """Create a new color from Rich's Color class.

            rich_color (RichColor): An instance of rich.color.Color.

            Color: A new Color.
        r, g, b = rich_color.get_truecolor()
        return cls(r, g, b)

    def from_hsl(cls, h: float, s: float, l: float) -> Color:
        """Create a color from HLS components.

            h (float): Hue.
            l (float): Lightness.
            s (float): Saturation.

            Color: A new color.
        r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
        return cls(int(r * 255 + 0.5), int(g * 255 + 0.5), int(b * 255 + 0.5))

    def __rich__(self) -> Text:
        """A Rich method to show the color."""
        return Text(
            f" {self!r} ",
                self.get_contrast_text().rich_color, self.rich_color

    def inverse(self) -> Color:
        """The inverse of this color."""
        r, g, b, a = self
        return Color(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b, a)

    def is_transparent(self) -> bool:
        """Check if the color is transparent, i.e. has 0 alpha.

            bool: True if transparent, otherwise False.

        return self.a == 0

    def clamped(self) -> Color:
        """Get a color with all components saturated to maximum and minimum values.

            Color: A color object.

        r, g, b, a = self
        _clamp = clamp
        color = Color(
            _clamp(r, 0, 255),
            _clamp(g, 0, 255),
            _clamp(b, 0, 255),
            _clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0),
        return color

    def rich_color(self) -> RichColor:
        """This color encoded in Rich's Color class.

            RichColor: A color object as used by Rich.
        r, g, b, _a = self
        return RichColor(
            f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}", _TRUECOLOR, None, ColorTriplet(r, g, b)

    def normalized(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
        """A tuple of the color components normalized to between 0 and 1.

            tuple[float, float, float]: Normalized components.

        r, g, b, _a = self
        return (r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)

    def rgb(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
        """Get just the red, green, and blue components.

            tuple[int, int, int]: Color components
        r, g, b, _ = self
        return (r, g, b)

    def hsl(self) -> HSL:
        """Get the color as HSL.

            HSL: Color in HSL format.
        r, g, b = self.normalized
        h, l, s = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
        return HSL(h, s, l)

    def brightness(self) -> float:
        """Get the human perceptual brightness.

            float: Brightness value (0-1).

        r, g, b = self.normalized
        brightness = (299 * r + 587 * g + 114 * b) / 1000
        return brightness

    def hex(self) -> str:
        """The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB, and 8 digits for RGBA.

            str: A CSS hex-style color, e.g. `"#46b3de"` or `"#3342457f"`

        r, g, b, a = self.clamped
        return (
            if a == 1
            else f"#{r:02X}{g:02X}{b:02X}{int(a*255):02X}"

    def hex6(self) -> str:
        """The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB. Alpha is ignored.

            str: A CSS hex-style color, e.g. "#46b3de"

        r, g, b, a = self.clamped
        return f"#{r:02X}{g:02X}{b:02X}"

    def css(self) -> str:
        """The color in CSS rgb or rgba form.

            str: A CSS style color, e.g. `"rgb(10,20,30)"` or `"rgb(50,70,80,0.5)"`

        r, g, b, a = self
        return f"rgb({r},{g},{b})" if a == 1 else f"rgba({r},{g},{b},{a})"

    def monochrome(self) -> Color:
        """Get a monochrome version of this color.

            Color: A new monochrome color.
        r, g, b, a = self
        gray = round(r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722)
        return Color(gray, gray, gray, a)

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        r, g, b, a = self
        yield r
        yield g
        yield b
        yield "a", a

    def with_alpha(self, alpha: float) -> Color:
        """Create a new color with the given alpha.

            alpha (float): New value for alpha.

            Color: A new color.
        r, g, b, _ = self
        return Color(r, g, b, alpha)

    def blend(
        self, destination: Color, factor: float, alpha: float | None = None
    ) -> Color:
        """Generate a new color between two colors.

            destination (Color): Another color.
            factor (float): A blend factor, 0 -> 1.
            alpha (float | None): New alpha for result. Defaults to None.

            Color: A new color.
        if factor == 0:
            return self
        elif factor == 1:
            return destination
        r1, g1, b1, a1 = self
        r2, g2, b2, a2 = destination

        if alpha is None:
            new_alpha = a1 + (a2 - a1) * factor
            new_alpha = alpha

        return Color(
            int(r1 + (r2 - r1) * factor),
            int(g1 + (g2 - g1) * factor),
            int(b1 + (b2 - b1) * factor),

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Color:
        if isinstance(other, Color):
            new_color = self.blend(other, other.a, alpha=1.0)
            return new_color
        return NotImplemented

    @lru_cache(maxsize=1024 * 4)
    def parse(cls, color_text: str | Color) -> Color:
        """Parse a string containing a named color or CSS-style color.

        Colors may be parsed from the following formats:

        Text beginning with a `#` is parsed as hex:

        R, G, and B must be hex digits (0-9A-F)

        - `#RGB`
        - `#RRGGBB`
        - `#RRGGBBAA`

        Text in the following formats is parsed as decimal values:

        RED, GREEN, and BLUE must be numbers between 0 and 255.
        ALPHA should ba a value between 0 and 1.

        - `rgb(RED,GREEN,BLUE)`
        - `rgba(RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA)`
        - `hsl(RED,GREEN,BLUE)`
        - `hsla(RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA)`

        All other text will raise a `ColorParseError`.

            color_text (str | Color): Text with a valid color format. Color objects will
                be returned unmodified.

            ColorParseError: If the color is not encoded correctly.

            Color: New color object.
        if isinstance(color_text, Color):
            return color_text
        color_from_name = COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.get(color_text)
        if color_from_name is not None:
            return cls(*color_from_name)
        color_match = RE_COLOR.match(color_text)
        if color_match is None:
            error_message = f"failed to parse {color_text!r} as a color"
            suggested_color = None
            if not color_text.startswith(("#", "rgb", "hsl")):
                # Seems like we tried to use a color name: let's try to find one that is close enough:
                suggested_color = get_suggestion(color_text, COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.keys())
                if suggested_color:
                    error_message += f"; did you mean '{suggested_color}'?"
            raise ColorParseError(error_message, suggested_color)
        ) = color_match.groups()

        if rgb_hex_triple is not None:
            r, g, b = rgb_hex_triple
            color = cls(int(f"{r}{r}", 16), int(f"{g}{g}", 16), int(f"{b}{b}", 16))
        elif rgb_hex_quad is not None:
            r, g, b, a = rgb_hex_quad
            color = cls(
                int(f"{r}{r}", 16),
                int(f"{g}{g}", 16),
                int(f"{b}{b}", 16),
                int(f"{a}{a}", 16) / 255.0,
        elif rgb_hex is not None:
            r, g, b = [int(pair, 16) for pair in _split_pairs3(rgb_hex)]
            color = cls(r, g, b, 1.0)
        elif rgba_hex is not None:
            r, g, b, a = [int(pair, 16) for pair in _split_pairs4(rgba_hex)]
            color = cls(r, g, b, a / 255.0)
        elif rgb is not None:
            r, g, b = [clamp(int(float(value)), 0, 255) for value in rgb.split(",")]
            color = cls(r, g, b, 1.0)
        elif rgba is not None:
            float_r, float_g, float_b, float_a = [
                float(value) for value in rgba.split(",")
            color = cls(
                clamp(int(float_r), 0, 255),
                clamp(int(float_g), 0, 255),
                clamp(int(float_b), 0, 255),
                clamp(float_a, 0.0, 1.0),
        elif hsl is not None:
            h, s, l = hsl.split(",")
            h = float(h) % 360 / 360
            s = percentage_string_to_float(s)
            l = percentage_string_to_float(l)
            color = Color.from_hsl(h, s, l)
        elif hsla is not None:
            h, s, l, a = hsla.split(",")
            h = float(h) % 360 / 360
            s = percentage_string_to_float(s)
            l = percentage_string_to_float(l)
            a = clamp(float(a), 0.0, 1.0)
            color = Color.from_hsl(h, s, l).with_alpha(a)
            raise AssertionError("Can't get here if RE_COLOR matches")
        return color

    def darken(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) -> Color:
        """Darken the color by a given amount.

            amount (float): Value between 0-1 to reduce luminance by.
            alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.

            Color: New color.
        l, a, b = rgb_to_lab(self)
        l -= amount * 100
        return lab_to_rgb(Lab(l, a, b), self.a if alpha is None else alpha).clamped

    def lighten(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) -> Color:
        """Lighten the color by a given amount.

            amount (float): Value between 0-1 to increase luminance by.
            alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.

            Color: New color.
        return self.darken(-amount, alpha)

    def get_contrast_text(self, alpha=0.95) -> Color:
        """Get a light or dark color that best contrasts this color, for use with text.

            alpha (float, optional): An alpha value to adjust the pure white / black by.
                Defaults to 0.95.

            Color: A new color, either an off-white or off-black
        brightness = self.brightness
        white_contrast = abs(brightness - WHITE.brightness)
        black_contrast = abs(brightness - BLACK.brightness)
        return (WHITE if white_contrast > black_contrast else BLACK).with_alpha(alpha)

# Color constants
WHITE = Color(255, 255, 255)
BLACK = Color(0, 0, 0)

def rgb_to_lab(rgb: Color) -> Lab:
    """Convert an RGB color to the CIE-L*ab format.

    Uses the standard RGB color space with a D65/2⁰ standard illuminant.
    Conversion passes through the XYZ color space.

    r, g, b = rgb.r / 255, rgb.g / 255, rgb.b / 255

    r = pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) if r > 0.04045 else r / 12.92
    g = pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) if g > 0.04045 else g / 12.92
    b = pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) if b > 0.04045 else b / 12.92

    x = (r * 41.24 + g * 35.76 + b * 18.05) / 95.047
    y = (r * 21.26 + g * 71.52 + b * 7.22) / 100
    z = (r * 1.93 + g * 11.92 + b * 95.05) / 108.883

    off = 16 / 116
    x = pow(x, 1 / 3) if x > 0.008856 else 7.787 * x + off
    y = pow(y, 1 / 3) if y > 0.008856 else 7.787 * y + off
    z = pow(z, 1 / 3) if z > 0.008856 else 7.787 * z + off

    return Lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z))

def lab_to_rgb(lab: Lab, alpha: float = 1.0) -> Color:
    """Convert a CIE-L*ab color to RGB.

    Uses the standard RGB color space with a D65/2⁰ standard illuminant.
    Conversion passes through the XYZ color space.

    y = (lab.L + 16) / 116
    x = lab.a / 500 + y
    z = y - lab.b / 200

    off = 16 / 116
    y = pow(y, 3) if y > 0.2068930344 else (y - off) / 7.787
    x = 0.95047 * pow(x, 3) if x > 0.2068930344 else 0.122059 * (x - off)
    z = 1.08883 * pow(z, 3) if z > 0.2068930344 else 0.139827 * (z - off)

    r = x * 3.2406 + y * -1.5372 + z * -0.4986
    g = x * -0.9689 + y * 1.8758 + z * 0.0415
    b = x * 0.0557 + y * -0.2040 + z * 1.0570

    r = 1.055 * pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 if r > 0.0031308 else 12.92 * r
    g = 1.055 * pow(g, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 if g > 0.0031308 else 12.92 * g
    b = 1.055 * pow(b, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 if b > 0.0031308 else 12.92 * b

    return Color(int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255), alpha)


def lab_to_rgb(lab: Lab, alpha: float = 1.0) ‑> Color

Convert a CIE-L*ab color to RGB.

Uses the standard RGB color space with a D65/2⁰ standard illuminant. Conversion passes through the XYZ color space. Cf.

Expand source code
def lab_to_rgb(lab: Lab, alpha: float = 1.0) -> Color:
    """Convert a CIE-L*ab color to RGB.

    Uses the standard RGB color space with a D65/2⁰ standard illuminant.
    Conversion passes through the XYZ color space.

    y = (lab.L + 16) / 116
    x = lab.a / 500 + y
    z = y - lab.b / 200

    off = 16 / 116
    y = pow(y, 3) if y > 0.2068930344 else (y - off) / 7.787
    x = 0.95047 * pow(x, 3) if x > 0.2068930344 else 0.122059 * (x - off)
    z = 1.08883 * pow(z, 3) if z > 0.2068930344 else 0.139827 * (z - off)

    r = x * 3.2406 + y * -1.5372 + z * -0.4986
    g = x * -0.9689 + y * 1.8758 + z * 0.0415
    b = x * 0.0557 + y * -0.2040 + z * 1.0570

    r = 1.055 * pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 if r > 0.0031308 else 12.92 * r
    g = 1.055 * pow(g, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 if g > 0.0031308 else 12.92 * g
    b = 1.055 * pow(b, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 if b > 0.0031308 else 12.92 * b

    return Color(int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255), alpha)
def rgb_to_lab(rgb: Color) ‑> Lab

Convert an RGB color to the CIE-L*ab format.

Uses the standard RGB color space with a D65/2⁰ standard illuminant. Conversion passes through the XYZ color space. Cf.

Expand source code
def rgb_to_lab(rgb: Color) -> Lab:
    """Convert an RGB color to the CIE-L*ab format.

    Uses the standard RGB color space with a D65/2⁰ standard illuminant.
    Conversion passes through the XYZ color space.

    r, g, b = rgb.r / 255, rgb.g / 255, rgb.b / 255

    r = pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) if r > 0.04045 else r / 12.92
    g = pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) if g > 0.04045 else g / 12.92
    b = pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) if b > 0.04045 else b / 12.92

    x = (r * 41.24 + g * 35.76 + b * 18.05) / 95.047
    y = (r * 21.26 + g * 71.52 + b * 7.22) / 100
    z = (r * 1.93 + g * 11.92 + b * 95.05) / 108.883

    off = 16 / 116
    x = pow(x, 1 / 3) if x > 0.008856 else 7.787 * x + off
    y = pow(y, 1 / 3) if y > 0.008856 else 7.787 * y + off
    z = pow(z, 1 / 3) if z > 0.008856 else 7.787 * z + off

    return Lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z))


class Color (r: int, g: int, b: int, a: float = 1.0)

A class to represent a RGB color with an alpha component.

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class Color(NamedTuple):
    """A class to represent a RGB color with an alpha component."""

    r: int
    """Red component (0-255)"""
    g: int
    """Green component (0-255)"""
    b: int
    """Blue component (0-255)"""
    a: float = 1.0
    """Alpha component (0-1)"""

    def from_rich_color(cls, rich_color: RichColor) -> Color:
        """Create a new color from Rich's Color class.

            rich_color (RichColor): An instance of rich.color.Color.

            Color: A new Color.
        r, g, b = rich_color.get_truecolor()
        return cls(r, g, b)

    def from_hsl(cls, h: float, s: float, l: float) -> Color:
        """Create a color from HLS components.

            h (float): Hue.
            l (float): Lightness.
            s (float): Saturation.

            Color: A new color.
        r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
        return cls(int(r * 255 + 0.5), int(g * 255 + 0.5), int(b * 255 + 0.5))

    def __rich__(self) -> Text:
        """A Rich method to show the color."""
        return Text(
            f" {self!r} ",
                self.get_contrast_text().rich_color, self.rich_color

    def inverse(self) -> Color:
        """The inverse of this color."""
        r, g, b, a = self
        return Color(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b, a)

    def is_transparent(self) -> bool:
        """Check if the color is transparent, i.e. has 0 alpha.

            bool: True if transparent, otherwise False.

        return self.a == 0

    def clamped(self) -> Color:
        """Get a color with all components saturated to maximum and minimum values.

            Color: A color object.

        r, g, b, a = self
        _clamp = clamp
        color = Color(
            _clamp(r, 0, 255),
            _clamp(g, 0, 255),
            _clamp(b, 0, 255),
            _clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0),
        return color

    def rich_color(self) -> RichColor:
        """This color encoded in Rich's Color class.

            RichColor: A color object as used by Rich.
        r, g, b, _a = self
        return RichColor(
            f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}", _TRUECOLOR, None, ColorTriplet(r, g, b)

    def normalized(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
        """A tuple of the color components normalized to between 0 and 1.

            tuple[float, float, float]: Normalized components.

        r, g, b, _a = self
        return (r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)

    def rgb(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
        """Get just the red, green, and blue components.

            tuple[int, int, int]: Color components
        r, g, b, _ = self
        return (r, g, b)

    def hsl(self) -> HSL:
        """Get the color as HSL.

            HSL: Color in HSL format.
        r, g, b = self.normalized
        h, l, s = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
        return HSL(h, s, l)

    def brightness(self) -> float:
        """Get the human perceptual brightness.

            float: Brightness value (0-1).

        r, g, b = self.normalized
        brightness = (299 * r + 587 * g + 114 * b) / 1000
        return brightness

    def hex(self) -> str:
        """The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB, and 8 digits for RGBA.

            str: A CSS hex-style color, e.g. `"#46b3de"` or `"#3342457f"`

        r, g, b, a = self.clamped
        return (
            if a == 1
            else f"#{r:02X}{g:02X}{b:02X}{int(a*255):02X}"

    def hex6(self) -> str:
        """The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB. Alpha is ignored.

            str: A CSS hex-style color, e.g. "#46b3de"

        r, g, b, a = self.clamped
        return f"#{r:02X}{g:02X}{b:02X}"

    def css(self) -> str:
        """The color in CSS rgb or rgba form.

            str: A CSS style color, e.g. `"rgb(10,20,30)"` or `"rgb(50,70,80,0.5)"`

        r, g, b, a = self
        return f"rgb({r},{g},{b})" if a == 1 else f"rgba({r},{g},{b},{a})"

    def monochrome(self) -> Color:
        """Get a monochrome version of this color.

            Color: A new monochrome color.
        r, g, b, a = self
        gray = round(r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722)
        return Color(gray, gray, gray, a)

    def __rich_repr__(self) -> rich.repr.Result:
        r, g, b, a = self
        yield r
        yield g
        yield b
        yield "a", a

    def with_alpha(self, alpha: float) -> Color:
        """Create a new color with the given alpha.

            alpha (float): New value for alpha.

            Color: A new color.
        r, g, b, _ = self
        return Color(r, g, b, alpha)

    def blend(
        self, destination: Color, factor: float, alpha: float | None = None
    ) -> Color:
        """Generate a new color between two colors.

            destination (Color): Another color.
            factor (float): A blend factor, 0 -> 1.
            alpha (float | None): New alpha for result. Defaults to None.

            Color: A new color.
        if factor == 0:
            return self
        elif factor == 1:
            return destination
        r1, g1, b1, a1 = self
        r2, g2, b2, a2 = destination

        if alpha is None:
            new_alpha = a1 + (a2 - a1) * factor
            new_alpha = alpha

        return Color(
            int(r1 + (r2 - r1) * factor),
            int(g1 + (g2 - g1) * factor),
            int(b1 + (b2 - b1) * factor),

    def __add__(self, other: object) -> Color:
        if isinstance(other, Color):
            new_color = self.blend(other, other.a, alpha=1.0)
            return new_color
        return NotImplemented

    @lru_cache(maxsize=1024 * 4)
    def parse(cls, color_text: str | Color) -> Color:
        """Parse a string containing a named color or CSS-style color.

        Colors may be parsed from the following formats:

        Text beginning with a `#` is parsed as hex:

        R, G, and B must be hex digits (0-9A-F)

        - `#RGB`
        - `#RRGGBB`
        - `#RRGGBBAA`

        Text in the following formats is parsed as decimal values:

        RED, GREEN, and BLUE must be numbers between 0 and 255.
        ALPHA should ba a value between 0 and 1.

        - `rgb(RED,GREEN,BLUE)`
        - `rgba(RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA)`
        - `hsl(RED,GREEN,BLUE)`
        - `hsla(RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA)`

        All other text will raise a `ColorParseError`.

            color_text (str | Color): Text with a valid color format. Color objects will
                be returned unmodified.

            ColorParseError: If the color is not encoded correctly.

            Color: New color object.
        if isinstance(color_text, Color):
            return color_text
        color_from_name = COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.get(color_text)
        if color_from_name is not None:
            return cls(*color_from_name)
        color_match = RE_COLOR.match(color_text)
        if color_match is None:
            error_message = f"failed to parse {color_text!r} as a color"
            suggested_color = None
            if not color_text.startswith(("#", "rgb", "hsl")):
                # Seems like we tried to use a color name: let's try to find one that is close enough:
                suggested_color = get_suggestion(color_text, COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.keys())
                if suggested_color:
                    error_message += f"; did you mean '{suggested_color}'?"
            raise ColorParseError(error_message, suggested_color)
        ) = color_match.groups()

        if rgb_hex_triple is not None:
            r, g, b = rgb_hex_triple
            color = cls(int(f"{r}{r}", 16), int(f"{g}{g}", 16), int(f"{b}{b}", 16))
        elif rgb_hex_quad is not None:
            r, g, b, a = rgb_hex_quad
            color = cls(
                int(f"{r}{r}", 16),
                int(f"{g}{g}", 16),
                int(f"{b}{b}", 16),
                int(f"{a}{a}", 16) / 255.0,
        elif rgb_hex is not None:
            r, g, b = [int(pair, 16) for pair in _split_pairs3(rgb_hex)]
            color = cls(r, g, b, 1.0)
        elif rgba_hex is not None:
            r, g, b, a = [int(pair, 16) for pair in _split_pairs4(rgba_hex)]
            color = cls(r, g, b, a / 255.0)
        elif rgb is not None:
            r, g, b = [clamp(int(float(value)), 0, 255) for value in rgb.split(",")]
            color = cls(r, g, b, 1.0)
        elif rgba is not None:
            float_r, float_g, float_b, float_a = [
                float(value) for value in rgba.split(",")
            color = cls(
                clamp(int(float_r), 0, 255),
                clamp(int(float_g), 0, 255),
                clamp(int(float_b), 0, 255),
                clamp(float_a, 0.0, 1.0),
        elif hsl is not None:
            h, s, l = hsl.split(",")
            h = float(h) % 360 / 360
            s = percentage_string_to_float(s)
            l = percentage_string_to_float(l)
            color = Color.from_hsl(h, s, l)
        elif hsla is not None:
            h, s, l, a = hsla.split(",")
            h = float(h) % 360 / 360
            s = percentage_string_to_float(s)
            l = percentage_string_to_float(l)
            a = clamp(float(a), 0.0, 1.0)
            color = Color.from_hsl(h, s, l).with_alpha(a)
            raise AssertionError("Can't get here if RE_COLOR matches")
        return color

    def darken(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) -> Color:
        """Darken the color by a given amount.

            amount (float): Value between 0-1 to reduce luminance by.
            alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.

            Color: New color.
        l, a, b = rgb_to_lab(self)
        l -= amount * 100
        return lab_to_rgb(Lab(l, a, b), self.a if alpha is None else alpha).clamped

    def lighten(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) -> Color:
        """Lighten the color by a given amount.

            amount (float): Value between 0-1 to increase luminance by.
            alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.

            Color: New color.
        return self.darken(-amount, alpha)

    def get_contrast_text(self, alpha=0.95) -> Color:
        """Get a light or dark color that best contrasts this color, for use with text.

            alpha (float, optional): An alpha value to adjust the pure white / black by.
                Defaults to 0.95.

            Color: A new color, either an off-white or off-black
        brightness = self.brightness
        white_contrast = abs(brightness - WHITE.brightness)
        black_contrast = abs(brightness - BLACK.brightness)
        return (WHITE if white_contrast > black_contrast else BLACK).with_alpha(alpha)


  • builtins.tuple

Static methods

def from_hsl(h: float, s: float, l: float) ‑> Color

Create a color from HLS components.


h : float
l : float
s : float


A new color.
Expand source code
def from_hsl(cls, h: float, s: float, l: float) -> Color:
    """Create a color from HLS components.

        h (float): Hue.
        l (float): Lightness.
        s (float): Saturation.

        Color: A new color.
    r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
    return cls(int(r * 255 + 0.5), int(g * 255 + 0.5), int(b * 255 + 0.5))
def from_rich_color(rich_color: RichColor) ‑> Color

Create a new color from Rich's Color class.


rich_color : RichColor
An instance of rich.color.Color.


A new Color.
Expand source code
def from_rich_color(cls, rich_color: RichColor) -> Color:
    """Create a new color from Rich's Color class.

        rich_color (RichColor): An instance of rich.color.Color.

        Color: A new Color.
    r, g, b = rich_color.get_truecolor()
    return cls(r, g, b)
def parse(cls, color_text: str | Color) ‑> Color

Parse a string containing a named color or CSS-style color.

Colors may be parsed from the following formats:

Text beginning with a # is parsed as hex:

R, G, and B must be hex digits (0-9A-F)

  • #RGB

Text in the following formats is parsed as decimal values:

RED, GREEN, and BLUE must be numbers between 0 and 255. ALPHA should ba a value between 0 and 1.


All other text will raise a ColorParseError.


color_text (str | Color): Text with a valid color format. Color objects will be returned unmodified.


If the color is not encoded correctly.


New color object.
Expand source code
@lru_cache(maxsize=1024 * 4)
def parse(cls, color_text: str | Color) -> Color:
    """Parse a string containing a named color or CSS-style color.

    Colors may be parsed from the following formats:

    Text beginning with a `#` is parsed as hex:

    R, G, and B must be hex digits (0-9A-F)

    - `#RGB`
    - `#RRGGBB`
    - `#RRGGBBAA`

    Text in the following formats is parsed as decimal values:

    RED, GREEN, and BLUE must be numbers between 0 and 255.
    ALPHA should ba a value between 0 and 1.

    - `rgb(RED,GREEN,BLUE)`
    - `rgba(RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA)`
    - `hsl(RED,GREEN,BLUE)`
    - `hsla(RED,GREEN,BLUE,ALPHA)`

    All other text will raise a `ColorParseError`.

        color_text (str | Color): Text with a valid color format. Color objects will
            be returned unmodified.

        ColorParseError: If the color is not encoded correctly.

        Color: New color object.
    if isinstance(color_text, Color):
        return color_text
    color_from_name = COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.get(color_text)
    if color_from_name is not None:
        return cls(*color_from_name)
    color_match = RE_COLOR.match(color_text)
    if color_match is None:
        error_message = f"failed to parse {color_text!r} as a color"
        suggested_color = None
        if not color_text.startswith(("#", "rgb", "hsl")):
            # Seems like we tried to use a color name: let's try to find one that is close enough:
            suggested_color = get_suggestion(color_text, COLOR_NAME_TO_RGB.keys())
            if suggested_color:
                error_message += f"; did you mean '{suggested_color}'?"
        raise ColorParseError(error_message, suggested_color)
    ) = color_match.groups()

    if rgb_hex_triple is not None:
        r, g, b = rgb_hex_triple
        color = cls(int(f"{r}{r}", 16), int(f"{g}{g}", 16), int(f"{b}{b}", 16))
    elif rgb_hex_quad is not None:
        r, g, b, a = rgb_hex_quad
        color = cls(
            int(f"{r}{r}", 16),
            int(f"{g}{g}", 16),
            int(f"{b}{b}", 16),
            int(f"{a}{a}", 16) / 255.0,
    elif rgb_hex is not None:
        r, g, b = [int(pair, 16) for pair in _split_pairs3(rgb_hex)]
        color = cls(r, g, b, 1.0)
    elif rgba_hex is not None:
        r, g, b, a = [int(pair, 16) for pair in _split_pairs4(rgba_hex)]
        color = cls(r, g, b, a / 255.0)
    elif rgb is not None:
        r, g, b = [clamp(int(float(value)), 0, 255) for value in rgb.split(",")]
        color = cls(r, g, b, 1.0)
    elif rgba is not None:
        float_r, float_g, float_b, float_a = [
            float(value) for value in rgba.split(",")
        color = cls(
            clamp(int(float_r), 0, 255),
            clamp(int(float_g), 0, 255),
            clamp(int(float_b), 0, 255),
            clamp(float_a, 0.0, 1.0),
    elif hsl is not None:
        h, s, l = hsl.split(",")
        h = float(h) % 360 / 360
        s = percentage_string_to_float(s)
        l = percentage_string_to_float(l)
        color = Color.from_hsl(h, s, l)
    elif hsla is not None:
        h, s, l, a = hsla.split(",")
        h = float(h) % 360 / 360
        s = percentage_string_to_float(s)
        l = percentage_string_to_float(l)
        a = clamp(float(a), 0.0, 1.0)
        color = Color.from_hsl(h, s, l).with_alpha(a)
        raise AssertionError("Can't get here if RE_COLOR matches")
    return color

Instance variables

var a : float

Alpha component (0-1)

var b : int

Blue component (0-255)

var brightness : float

Get the human perceptual brightness.


Brightness value (0-1).
Expand source code
def brightness(self) -> float:
    """Get the human perceptual brightness.

        float: Brightness value (0-1).

    r, g, b = self.normalized
    brightness = (299 * r + 587 * g + 114 * b) / 1000
    return brightness
var clampedColor

Get a color with all components saturated to maximum and minimum values.


A color object.
Expand source code
def clamped(self) -> Color:
    """Get a color with all components saturated to maximum and minimum values.

        Color: A color object.

    r, g, b, a = self
    _clamp = clamp
    color = Color(
        _clamp(r, 0, 255),
        _clamp(g, 0, 255),
        _clamp(b, 0, 255),
        _clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0),
    return color
var css : str

The color in CSS rgb or rgba form.


A CSS style color, e.g. "rgb(10,20,30)" or "rgb(50,70,80,0.5)"
Expand source code
def css(self) -> str:
    """The color in CSS rgb or rgba form.

        str: A CSS style color, e.g. `"rgb(10,20,30)"` or `"rgb(50,70,80,0.5)"`

    r, g, b, a = self
    return f"rgb({r},{g},{b})" if a == 1 else f"rgba({r},{g},{b},{a})"
var g : int

Green component (0-255)

var hex : str

The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB, and 8 digits for RGBA.


A CSS hex-style color, e.g. "#46b3de" or "#3342457f"
Expand source code
def hex(self) -> str:
    """The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB, and 8 digits for RGBA.

        str: A CSS hex-style color, e.g. `"#46b3de"` or `"#3342457f"`

    r, g, b, a = self.clamped
    return (
        if a == 1
        else f"#{r:02X}{g:02X}{b:02X}{int(a*255):02X}"
var hex6 : str

The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB. Alpha is ignored.


A CSS hex-style color, e.g. "#46b3de"
Expand source code
def hex6(self) -> str:
    """The color in CSS hex form, with 6 digits for RGB. Alpha is ignored.

        str: A CSS hex-style color, e.g. "#46b3de"

    r, g, b, a = self.clamped
    return f"#{r:02X}{g:02X}{b:02X}"
var hslHSL

Get the color as HSL.


Color in HSL format.
Expand source code
def hsl(self) -> HSL:
    """Get the color as HSL.

        HSL: Color in HSL format.
    r, g, b = self.normalized
    h, l, s = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
    return HSL(h, s, l)
var inverseColor

The inverse of this color.

Expand source code
def inverse(self) -> Color:
    """The inverse of this color."""
    r, g, b, a = self
    return Color(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b, a)
var is_transparent : bool

Check if the color is transparent, i.e. has 0 alpha.


True if transparent, otherwise False.
Expand source code
def is_transparent(self) -> bool:
    """Check if the color is transparent, i.e. has 0 alpha.

        bool: True if transparent, otherwise False.

    return self.a == 0
var monochromeColor

Get a monochrome version of this color.


A new monochrome color.
Expand source code
def monochrome(self) -> Color:
    """Get a monochrome version of this color.

        Color: A new monochrome color.
    r, g, b, a = self
    gray = round(r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722)
    return Color(gray, gray, gray, a)
var normalized : tuple[float, float, float]

A tuple of the color components normalized to between 0 and 1.


tuple[float, float, float]
Normalized components.
Expand source code
def normalized(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
    """A tuple of the color components normalized to between 0 and 1.

        tuple[float, float, float]: Normalized components.

    r, g, b, _a = self
    return (r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
var r : int

Red component (0-255)

var rgb : tuple[int, int, int]

Get just the red, green, and blue components.


tuple[int, int, int]
Color components
Expand source code
def rgb(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
    """Get just the red, green, and blue components.

        tuple[int, int, int]: Color components
    r, g, b, _ = self
    return (r, g, b)
var rich_color : rich.color.Color

This color encoded in Rich's Color class.


A color object as used by Rich.
Expand source code
def rich_color(self) -> RichColor:
    """This color encoded in Rich's Color class.

        RichColor: A color object as used by Rich.
    r, g, b, _a = self
    return RichColor(
        f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}", _TRUECOLOR, None, ColorTriplet(r, g, b)


def blend(self, destination: Color, factor: float, alpha: float | None = None) ‑> Color

Generate a new color between two colors.


destination : Color
Another color.
factor : float
A blend factor, 0 -> 1.

alpha (float | None): New alpha for result. Defaults to None.


A new color.
Expand source code
def blend(
    self, destination: Color, factor: float, alpha: float | None = None
) -> Color:
    """Generate a new color between two colors.

        destination (Color): Another color.
        factor (float): A blend factor, 0 -> 1.
        alpha (float | None): New alpha for result. Defaults to None.

        Color: A new color.
    if factor == 0:
        return self
    elif factor == 1:
        return destination
    r1, g1, b1, a1 = self
    r2, g2, b2, a2 = destination

    if alpha is None:
        new_alpha = a1 + (a2 - a1) * factor
        new_alpha = alpha

    return Color(
        int(r1 + (r2 - r1) * factor),
        int(g1 + (g2 - g1) * factor),
        int(b1 + (b2 - b1) * factor),
def darken(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) ‑> Color

Darken the color by a given amount.


amount : float
Value between 0-1 to reduce luminance by.

alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.


New color.
Expand source code
def darken(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) -> Color:
    """Darken the color by a given amount.

        amount (float): Value between 0-1 to reduce luminance by.
        alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.

        Color: New color.
    l, a, b = rgb_to_lab(self)
    l -= amount * 100
    return lab_to_rgb(Lab(l, a, b), self.a if alpha is None else alpha).clamped
def get_contrast_text(self, alpha=0.95) ‑> Color

Get a light or dark color that best contrasts this color, for use with text.


alpha : float, optional
An alpha value to adjust the pure white / black by. Defaults to 0.95.


A new color, either an off-white or off-black
Expand source code
def get_contrast_text(self, alpha=0.95) -> Color:
    """Get a light or dark color that best contrasts this color, for use with text.

        alpha (float, optional): An alpha value to adjust the pure white / black by.
            Defaults to 0.95.

        Color: A new color, either an off-white or off-black
    brightness = self.brightness
    white_contrast = abs(brightness - WHITE.brightness)
    black_contrast = abs(brightness - BLACK.brightness)
    return (WHITE if white_contrast > black_contrast else BLACK).with_alpha(alpha)
def lighten(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) ‑> Color

Lighten the color by a given amount.


amount : float
Value between 0-1 to increase luminance by.

alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.


New color.
Expand source code
def lighten(self, amount: float, alpha: float | None = None) -> Color:
    """Lighten the color by a given amount.

        amount (float): Value between 0-1 to increase luminance by.
        alpha (float | None, optional): Alpha component for new color or None to copy alpha. Defaults to None.

        Color: New color.
    return self.darken(-amount, alpha)
def with_alpha(self, alpha: float) ‑> Color

Create a new color with the given alpha.


alpha : float
New value for alpha.


A new color.
Expand source code
def with_alpha(self, alpha: float) -> Color:
    """Create a new color with the given alpha.

        alpha (float): New value for alpha.

        Color: A new color.
    r, g, b, _ = self
    return Color(r, g, b, alpha)
class ColorParseError (message: str, suggested_color: str | None = None)

A color failed to parse.


message : str
the error message

suggested_color (str | None): a close color we can suggest. Defaults to None.

Expand source code
class ColorParseError(Exception):
    """A color failed to parse.

        message (str): the error message
        suggested_color (str | None): a close color we can suggest. Defaults to None.

    def __init__(self, message: str, suggested_color: str | None = None):
        self.suggested_color = suggested_color


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class HSL (h: float, s: float, l: float)

A color in HLS format.

Expand source code
class HSL(NamedTuple):
    """A color in HLS format."""

    h: float
    s: float
    l: float

    def css(self) -> str:
        """HSL in css format."""
        h, s, l = self

        def as_str(number: float) -> str:
            return f"{number:.1f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")

        return f"hsl({as_str(h*360)},{as_str(s*100)}%,{as_str(l*100)}%)"


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var css : str

HSL in css format.

Expand source code
def css(self) -> str:
    """HSL in css format."""
    h, s, l = self

    def as_str(number: float) -> str:
        return f"{number:.1f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")

    return f"hsl({as_str(h*360)},{as_str(s*100)}%,{as_str(l*100)}%)"
var h : float


var l : float


var s : float


class HSV (h: float, s: float, v: float)

A color in HSV format.

Expand source code
class HSV(NamedTuple):
    """A color in HSV format."""

    h: float
    s: float
    v: float


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var h : float


var s : float


var v : float


class Lab (L: float, a: float, b: float)

A color in CIE-L*ab format.

Expand source code
class Lab(NamedTuple):
    """A color in CIE-L*ab format."""

    L: float
    a: float
    b: float


  • builtins.tuple

Instance variables

var L : float

Alias for field number 0

var a : float

Alias for field number 1

var b : float

Alias for field number 2